
Latest version: v0.5.0

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- Added webserver functionality via SD card and various other improvements from GitHub user dukess
- more parameters and device families
- Added JSON output for MQTT
- mobile friendlier web interface
- last version completely tested on Mega 2560. Future versions may still run on the Mega, but will only be tested on the Arduino Due.


- Added support for HardwareSerial (Serial1) connection of the adapter. Use RX pin 19 in bus() definition to activate. See manual/forum for hardware details.
- Added definement DebugTelnet to divert serial output to telnet client (port 23, no password) in BSB_lan_config.h
- Added possibility to control BSB-LAN (almost?) completely via USB-serial port. Most commands supported like their URL-counterparts, i.e. /<passcode>/xxx to query parameter xxx or /<passcode>/N to restart Arduino.
- Changed default device ID from 6 (room controller "RGT1") to unused ID 66 ("LAN")
- Many new parameters, please run /Q to see any possible changes for your device family and report back to us!
- Added global variables (arrays of 20 bytes) custom_floats[] and custom_longs[] for use with BSB_lan_custom.h, for example to read sensors etc. Output of these variables is done via new URL command /U
- Added device families 23 and 29 (Grünenwald heaters)
- Added device families 49, 52, 59 (Weishaupt heaters)
- Added device fmilies 91, 92, 94, 118, 133, 136, 137, 165, 184, 188 (various controllers like QAA75 or AVS37)
- Added device family 171 (Bösch wood pellet system)
- Added device family 172 (SensoTherm BLW Split B (RVS21.826F/200))
- Added device families 186 and 164 (Olymp WHS-500)
- Added device family 195 variant 2 (Thision 19 Plus / LMS14.111B109)
- Including DHT, 1Wire and burner status parameters (>20000) to MQTT
- English is now default language
- Updated various translations
- Added STL files to print a case with a 3D printer (thanks to FHEM user EPo!)
- Moved all sensors to /T , /H is now no longer used
- New virtual parameters 702/703 for Weishaupt room controller
- New virtual parameter 10003 to set outside temperature on newer systems
- Added text descriptions for error phases (6706 ff.)
- /Q is now more comprehensive
- New data types VT_CUSTOM_ENUM and VT_CUSTOM_BYTE to extract information from non-standard telegrams (such as 702/703)
- Bugfix: DHCP (ethernet) implementation


- Added localization! Now you can help translate BSB-LAN into your language! Simply copy one of the language files from the localization folder (LANG_DE.h is the most complete) and translate whatever you can. Non-translated items will be displayed in German.
Attention: Language definition in BSB_lan_config.h is now define LANG <ISO-CODE>
For example: define LANG DE
This parameter is now **mandatory**!
- Added export to MQTT broker, use log_parameters[] in BSB_lan_config.h to define parameters and activate MQTTBrokerIP definement.
- Added support for WiFi modules such as an ESP8266 or a Wemos Mega connected to Serial3 (RX:15/TX:14) of the Arduino.
The ESP8266 has to be flashed with the AT firmware from Espressif to work.
Please take note that WiFi over serial is by design much slower (only 115kpbs) than "pure" TCP/IP connections.
- Added new category "34 - Konfiguration / Erweiterungsmodule". All subsequent categories move one number up!
- Lots of new parameters coming from device family 123, please run /Q to see if some parameters also work for your heater!
- Lots of new yet unknown parameters through brute force querying :) (parameter numbers 10200 and above)
- Added further PPS-Bus commands, moved parameter numbers to 15000 and above
- Default PPS mode now "listening".
Use third parameter of bus definition to switch between listening and controlling, 1 stands for controlling, everything else for listening, i.e. BSB bus(68,67,1) sends data to the heater, BSB bus(68,67) only receives data from heater / room controller.
You can switch between modes at run-time with URL command /P2,x where x is either 1 (for controlling) or not 1 (for listening only)
- Fixed bug that crashed PPS bus queries
- Stability improvements for PPS bus
- Improved graph legend when plotting several parameters
- Added JSON export; query with /JQ=a,b,c,d... or push queries to /JQ or push set commands to /JS
- Logging of MAX! parameters now possible with logging parameter 20007
- Added Waterstage WP device family (119)
- Added WHG Procon device family (195)
- Added unit to log file as well as average output
- Rewrote device matching in cmd_tbl to accomodate also device variant (Gerätevariante). Run /Q to see if transition has worked for your device!
- Added BSB_lan_custom_setup.h and BSB_lan_custom_global.h for you to add individual code (best used in conjunction with BSB_lan_custom.h)
- Marked all (known) OEM parameters with flag FL_OEM. OEM parameters are set by default as read-only. To make them writeable, change FL_OEM from 5 to 4 in BSB_lan_defs.h
- Increased performance for querying several parameters at once (similar to category query)
- Added config option to define subnet.
- /Q no longer needs define DEBUG
- Bugfix ENUM memory adressing
- Bugfix in reset function (/N), clear EEPROM during reset with /NE
- Added favicon.ico
- Split of cmdtbl into cmdtbl1 and cmdtbl2 due to Arduino's(?) limit of 32kB size of struct, opening up more space for new parameters.


This is an interim release with the state prior to moving all texts from the source code to separate language files in folder "localization".


* Implemented polling of MAX! heating thermostats, display with URL command /X.
See BSB_lan_custom.h for an example to transmit average room temperature to heating system.
* Added new category "22 - Energiezähler" - please note that all subsequent categories move one up!
* New virtual parameter 1601 (manual TWW push)
* Added Fujitsu Waterstage WSYP100DG6 device family (211)
* Added Enertech device family (103)
* New definement "define TRUSTED_IP2" to grant access to a second local IP address
* Added optional definement "define GatewayIP" in BSB_lan_config.h to enable setting router address different from x.x.x.1
* Removed parameter 10109 because it is the same as 10000
* Added function to check all known CommandIDs on your own heating system. Use /Q after enabling definement "define DEBUG" in BSB_lan_config.h
* Added parameter numbers to category menu
* Updated
* hopefully fixing the memory issue
* Moved HTML strings to html_strings.h


* Implemntation of PPS-Bus protocol.
See /K40 for the limited commands available for this bus.
Use setBusType(2) to set to PPS upon boot or /P2 to switch temporarily.
* Set GPIOs to input by using /Gxx,I
* Definement "define CUSTOM_COMMANDS" added.
Use this in your configuration to include individual code from "BSB_lan_custom.h"
(needs to be created by you!) which is executed at the end of each main loop.
Variables "custom_timer" and "custom_timer_compare" have been added to execute
code at arbitrary intervals.
* several new parameters added
* Bugfix for logging Brennerlaufzeit Stufe 2

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