
Latest version: v0.4.6

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**Implemented enhancements:**

- Add `enable_tpc_or_gsr` method (requires 2020 and newer models)
- Add `set_sm_white_balance` method (requires 2020 and newer models)
- Add available settings doc of 2019 models
- Update available settings doc of 2020 models
- Update available settings doc of Cx models with part of DoVi config
- Add calibration guides under docs: First use, Profiling SDR, Calibrating HDR10, Mitigating DoVi raised black


**Implemented enhancements:**

- Add ability to convert 1D LUT file to ArgyllCMS cal file and vica versa
- Add calibration support for 2023 OLED models
- Add available settings doc of 2023 models
- Update readme with enabling full Service Menu on newer models


**Implemented enhancements:**

- Add `take_screenshot` method
- Add ability to backup and restore 1D LUT, 3D LUT and 3x3 color matrix


**Implemented enhancements:**

- Use SSL for WebSocket connection by default (required by 2022 models)
- Add optional `-w` command line parameter for connecting without SSL
- Update available settings doc of 2022 models


**Fixed bugs:**

- Fix truncated large arrays with get calibration commands during returning


**Implemented enhancements:**

- Add `set_1d_lut_en` and `set_3by3_gamut_en` calibration methods
- Speed up most of the calibration commands by removing checking for calibration support from them:
- only 3D LUT and Dolby Vision config related commands require `-s` (states) flag
- Modify `calibration_support_info` method to use chip type instead of model name
- Add optional `-c` command line parameter for overriding calibration_info for unsupported chip types
- Update readme

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fix truncated large arrays with get calibration commands during printing

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