- Indicators:
- `ad`, `add`, `adosc`, `adx`, `adxr`, `apo`, `aroon`, `aroonosc`, `beta`,
`ceil`, `cmo`, `di`, `div`, `dm`, `dx`, `ewma`, `exp`, `floor`, `ln`,
`log10`, `maxindex`, `minindex`, `minmaxindex`, `minus_di`, `minus_dm`,
`mult`, `natr`, `plus_di`, `plus_dm`, `ppo`, `obv`, `ppofast`, `roc`,
`rocp`, `rocr`, `rocr100`, `smacc`, `sqrt`, `sub`, `trima`, `var`,
- Improved autosuper to call all leftmost bases up to Indicator and _talib
compatibility methods
- Support of new testcase definition features and refactoring of testcase
definitions, detection of empty tests sets and improved logging for string
defined tests, also refactoring their pseudo-execution position
- Refactoring of _last:_seed, _seed:_seeded and added early (period reducing)
seed calculations for ta-lib compatibility
- Add enum SEED_xxx for seed determination
- Refactor ema, smma, kama for _last:_seed changes
- Refactor obv to use minperiod "macros"
- Util Macro-Style Functions to get/set periods/indices for ta-lib