
Latest version: v6.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Add unsigned variants of the trees. These use the initial "U" for
32-bit data and "Q" for 64-bit data (for "quad", which is similar to
what the C ``printf`` function uses and the Python struct module

- Fix the value for ``BTrees.OIBTree.using64bits`` when using the pure Python
implementation (PyPy and when ``PURE_PYTHON`` is in the environment).

- Make the errors that are raised when values are out of range more
consistent between Python 2 and Python 3 and between 32-bit and
64-bit variants.

- Make the Bucket types consistent with the BTree types as updated in
versions 4.3.2: Querying for keys with default comparisons or that
are not integers no longer raises ``TypeError``.



- Add support for Python 3.8.



- Drop support for Python 3.4.

- Fix tests against persistent 4.4.

- Stop accidentally installing the 'terryfy' package in macOS wheels.
See `issue 98

- Fix segmentation fault in ``bucket_repr()``. See
`issue 106 <>`_.



- Produce binary wheels for Python 3.7.

- Use pyproject.toml to specify build dependencies. This requires pip
18 or later to build from source.



- Add support for Python 3.6 and 3.7.
- Drop support for Python 3.3.
- Raise an ``ImportError`` consistently on Python 3 if the C extension for
BTrees is used but the ``persistent`` C extension is not available.
Previously this could result in an odd ``AttributeError``. See
- Fix the possibility of a rare crash in the C extension when
deallocating items. See
- Respect the ``PURE_PYTHON`` environment variable at runtime even if
the C extensions are available. See
- Always attempt to build the C extensions, but make their success
- Fix a ``DeprecationWarning`` that could come from I and L objects in
Python 2 in pure-Python mode. See



Fixed a packaging bug that caused extra files to be included (some of
which caused problems in some platforms).

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