- rewrote `*.GenerateData` methods * generated event log now also contains `date` field * if `T.cal` varies, then customer's start date will also vary * use `elog2cbs` internally to convert generated event log to CBS format; this also adds `first` to CBS * `*.GenerateData` now always returns the event log -> argument `return.elog` has been removed * fix bug for `*.GenerateData` in case of with highly varying `T.cal` (fixes 42) - fix top margin of `mcmc.plotPActiveDiagnostic`
- avoid internal C++ compile warning message - R CMD CHECK now returns 0 errors and 0 warnings
- add lintr checks for adhering to consistent code style - run spellcheck for docs
- add a package vignette - add AppVeyor for automated build tests on Windows - rename `plotSampledTimingPatterns` to `plotTimingPatterns` - rename argument `per` to `units` for `elog2cbs` to be consistent with `difftime` - fix `elog2cbs`: allow T.tot to be larger than max(elog$date) - fix `elog2inc` and `elog2cum` to not report last week, if that is not complete - only do bias correction for `mbgcnbd.ConditionalExpectedTransactions` when we can safely assume that the whole customer cohort is passed - `abe.mcmc.DrawParameters` can now handle data.table's - add ability to determine minimum number of transactions per customers to `estimateRegularity`
- add argument `first` to `elog2cum` and `elog2inc` - bugfix for `elog2inc` and `elog2cum` for elogs where dates are missing - add `groceryElog` dataset, and remove `cdnow.sample()` - use `groceryElog` dataset for demos and examples - `elog2cbs` prunes columns, if `elog$sales` or `T.cal` is not provided
- rewrite demos - add `plotSampledTimingPatterns` for plotting samples of timing patterns - add `mbgnbd.EstimateParameters` to estimate MBG/NBD model