
Latest version: v2.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 688867 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New modules
- pipewire (thanks jebaum )
- gitlab (thanks beckcl )
- wakatime (thanks Duarte-Figueiredo )
- todoist (thanks Duarte-Figueiredo )
- cpu3 (thanks SuperQ )
- usage - an activitywatch module (thanks lasnikr)

New themes
- Moonlight Powerline (thanks ramonsaraiva )

- Status bar can now scroll through all available widgets (the bar itself, not just individual modules/widgets)
- mpd port now configurable
- pihole uses API token instead of password now (thanks bbernhard )
- support multiple sound cards (thanks Hugo Eustáquio)
- font size for Tk menus now configurable (thanks TheEdgeOfRage )
- dunst: add parameter to start in disabled mode (thanks zetxx )

- Better documentation of dependencies for `network_traffic` (thanks alonsomoya)
- Fixed path for manpage installs (thanks benthetechguy )
- Fixes around location detection (thanks tfwiii )
- nvidiagpu fixes (thanks pvutov )
- fixes to date/time and module width (thanks arivarton )
- improvements to playerctl (thanks LokiLuciferase )
- HTTPS support for open weather (thanks dmturner )
- documentation improvements (thanks sazk07 )
- stock: switch to alphavantage.co
- pulsectl: device names are now case sensitive
- title: also consider workspace changes (thanks LokiLuciferase )
- shell: improved time to update


- logo - thanks to kellya !

New modules
- blugon by DTan13
- persian_date by Hame-daani
- aur_update by ishaanbhimwal
- gcalendar by arivarton
- pamixer by FraSharp
- pulsectl (pulsein, pulseout) which obsoletes pulseaudio

New themes
- zengarden light powerline
- zengarden
- srcery by anarcat

- nic: added wifi signal strength by Christopher Kepes
- pulseaudio extensions by bbernhard
- playerctl extensions by SamTebbs33
- taskwarrior improvements by kellya
- spotify scrolling support

- rss insecure tempfile use
- misc. bugfixes by mihaimorariu
- redshift: fix kelvin by LokiLuciferase
- battery fixes by anarcat
- various fixes by tfwiii
- various fixes by diesphink
- fix concurrency issues


Not secure
New modules
- generic `layout` module
- GPU module for optimus-manager (795)
- `network` module to show interfaces (800)
- `solaar` for logitech unifying device (832)
- `emerge_status` for Gentoo support (842)

New themes

- albiceleste (778)
- rasafari (778)
- nord-colorful (830)
- rose-pine (848)


- Configurable editor for `todo` (777)
- Per-CPU widget for `cpu`
- Better documentation (786, 807, 810, 811)
- :warning: breaking: `playerctl` changed binary usage (793)
- `playerctl` stopped status support (796)
- `nvidiagpu` get GPU and memory usage (806)
- tests for dunst and libvirtvms (823, 824)
- `sensors` thermal zone auto-detection (825)
- Allow hiding of inactive states of modules
- No logging if `playerctl` not found (838)
- Less logging in `spotify` (840)
- Update `apt` module on click (845)


- Padding improvements
- Better widget creation
- `sun` parameter names (789)
- `todo` bugfixes (812)
- `nvidiagpu` bugfixes (813)
- allow "autohide" parameter in configuration file
- QA fixes (841)
- Fix Tk bugs & endless loops in popups

- Removed support for Python 3.4 and 3.5


Not secure

- Module "shell": Better autoscrolling behaviour (do not make the widget 30 characters wide by default) - thanks to es80 for reporting
- Module "shell": Make on-click events work again - thanks to es80 for reporting


Not secure
New modules
- keys: shows when keys are pressed or held

- Add scrolling to shell (766 - thanks to michalroxorpl )
- Removed requests dependency in stock (773 - thanks to fredj )
- Add hidden attribute for individual widgets

- Vastly improve performance during input events


Not secure
- make configuration file name configurable (764) - thanks to michalroxorpl
- Support for spotifyd (752) - thanks to gkeep
- add /usr/share/ as theme directory (753)
- playerctl improvements - thanks to gkeep

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