
Latest version: v0.2.2

The latest version of byakuganvisualizer with no known security vulnerabilities is 0.2.2. We recommend installing version 0.2.2.

The information on this page was curated by experts in our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Latest release
v0.2.2 at April 30, 2024
MIT (MIT License)


The ByakuganVisualizer repository hosts a Python tool designed to compare images and highlight their differences. It simplifies the process of identifying disparities between images, making it ideal for tasks like testing and quality assurance. Additionally, it offers options for customization, which can be helpful for color-blind users.



See all vulnerabilities

No known vulnerabilities found

Versions (4)

See all versions

Has known vulnerabilities

  • 0.2.2
  • 0.2.1
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.0