What's Changed
* Update README after completions update by rikardg in https://github.com/rikardg/bygg/pull/172
* Upgrade dev requirements by rikardg in https://github.com/rikardg/bygg/pull/176
* Add description parameter to action_set decorator by rikardg in https://github.com/rikardg/bygg/pull/177
* Add scheduling_type to action decorators by rikardg in https://github.com/rikardg/bygg/pull/178
* Clean up code for output_file_missing check. by rikardg in https://github.com/rikardg/bygg/pull/179
* Upgrade ruff -> 0.5.0. by rikardg in https://github.com/rikardg/bygg/pull/181
* Implement check for same output files by rikardg in https://github.com/rikardg/bygg/pull/182
* Don't create unnecessary sets in the DAG code by rikardg in https://github.com/rikardg/bygg/pull/183
* Add comment to the get_ready_jobs algorithm. by rikardg in https://github.com/rikardg/bygg/pull/184
* Upgrade setuptools -> 70.3.0 by rikardg in https://github.com/rikardg/bygg/pull/185
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/rikardg/bygg/compare/v0.5.2...v0.5.4