
Latest version: v0.1.4

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Added pyparsing-based list() parser to DMM system
* DMMFix lives again!
* Move from print() to logging for console logging.
* Renamed ss13_makeinhands to dmi_compile, now uses a dmi_config.yml file.
* Fixed dmindent duplicating proc contents, cleaned out excessive newlines.




* Fixed completely broken map rendering system.
* Repaired object tree generation
* Fixed color support




* Emergency path fix for Linux




* Added dmm diff and patch commands for patching maps.
* Added color name support to BYOND2RGBA. Should fix rendering maps on TG/NT/Bay.
* Proper handling of nulls.




* Fixed broken post-install operation on Linux (sorry)



* Modified get-dmi-data to output the PIL image's md5 instead of Python's default to-string behaviour.


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