- Fix (1.13.6): try send clock sync only once after start_dt
- Fix (1.13.5): Silence debug output, update dependencies
- Fix (1.13.4): PointCommand encode REGULATION STEP COMMAND values, windows stack manipulation in server
- Fix (1.13.3): IncomingMessage decode DOUBLE POINT values 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
- Fix (1.13.3): IncomingMessage allows 0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0 values for DoubleCommands, message.value returns value instead of IOA
- Fix (1.13.2): Server sends multiple ASDU per TypeID in InterrogationResponse or Periodic transmission if IOs exceed single ASDU size
- __BC for on_clock_sync__ \
Callable must return a bool to provide act-con feedback to client
- __Respond to global CA messages__ \
Fix: Server confirms messages that are addressed at global ca from each local CA with its own address.