- Remove the script `c2cwsgiutils-run`.
- The Pyramid initializing module functions are renamed from `init` to `includeme`.
- Remove the environment variable `GUNICORN_PARAMS` we will use the standard one `GUNICORN_CMD_ARGS`.
- Remove the `C2CWSGIUTILS_CONFIG` environment variable, we should use the standard way to specify the
config file (with the argument `--paste` of Gunicorn, or the `config_uri` argument or `pserve` prefixed
by `c2c://`).
- Filters like `sentry`, `profiler`, `client_info` will not be added automatically anymore, you should add
the following lines in your project `development.ini`:
pipeline = egg:c2cwsgiutilsclient_info egg:c2cwsgiutilsprofiler egg:c2cwsgiutilssentry app
and in your `production.ini`:
pipeline = egg:c2cwsgiutilsclient_info egg:c2cwsgiutilssentry app
and in both `development.ini` and `production.ini`, rename `[app:main]` to `[app:app]`.
- The usage of the Docker image is deprecated, read the start of the [Readme](./README.md) to update your setup.
- The usage of the global `DBSession` is deprecated, use the session on the request instead, should be
initialized with the function `c2cwsgiutils.db.init`. see the [Readme](./README.md) for more information.
Release 4
- Rename the scripts:
- c2cwsgiutils_run => c2cwsgiutils-run
- c2cwsgiutils_genversion.py => c2cwsgiutils-genversion
- c2cwsgiutils_coverage_report.py => c2cwsgiutils-coverage-report
- c2cwsgiutils_stats_db.py => c2cwsgiutils-stats-db
- c2cwsgiutils_test_print.py => c2cwsgiutils-test-print
- c2cwsgiutils_check_es.py => c2cwsgiutils-check-es
- `C2C_DISABLE_EXCEPTION_HANDLING` is replaced by `C2C_ENABLE_EXCEPTION_HANDLING` and is disabled by default.