- [x] Integrated ceo.ca news feed fetching
- [x] Adding new python matrix test model
- [x] Adding auto release creation
- [x] Adding new test cases
Add parameters and returns, double sync with readthe docs and github pages.
Add include/exclude functionality https://python-poetry.org/docs/pyproject/#include-and-exclude
- [x] update documentation to use graphql constants
- [x] Get tsx tickers with new approach, downloading
all the xlsx files and merging them and/or the json api - https://www.tsx.com/json/company-directory/search/tsx/.*
- [x] make another function that uses the new graphql api instead of the standard api for tsx (have to know).
- [x] Go through list in https://thecse.com/en/listings and make pandas dataframe?
Iterate until last css is no longer present
- [x] Convert all the Input to Parameters and output to Return
- [x] add just read the docs
- [x] add code coverage uploading
- [x] news and iiroc fetching