**Yanked** due to a minor breaking change that we fixed in 3.10.1.
* The new approach to internal schemas: instead of having them duplicate certain fields from `latest`, we introduced a new `HEAD` version -- the only one the user maintains by hand. All requests get migrated to `HEAD` and latest schemas are generated from `HEAD`. `cadwyn.structure.HeadVersion` was added to give us the ability to have migrations between `HEAD` and latest, thus eliminating the need for `InternalRepresentationOf` because all the used schemas are now the internal representations
* `latest` is now named `head` because it no longer represents the newest version. Instead, it is the the `internally used` version and the version that is used for generating all other versions.
* the newest version is not aliased from `latest` anymore. Instead, it is generated like all the rest
* deprecated `InternalRepresentationOf` and the concept of `internal schemas` in favor of `HeadVersion` migrations