- Improved the `cai_causal_graph.time_series_causal_graph.TimeSeriesCausalGraph.get_topological_order` method in
`cai_causal_graph.time_series_causal_graph.TimeSeriesCausalGraph` to improve performance. Added a new keyword
argument `respect_time_ordering` to allow the user to specify whether the topological order must respect the
time ordering of the nodes. If `respect_time_ordering=True`, the topological order will respect the time ordering,
otherwise it may not. For example, if the graph is `'Y lag(n=1)' -> 'Y' <- 'X'`, then `['X', 'Y lag(n=1)', 'Y']` and
`['Y lag(n=1)', 'X', 'Y']` are both valid topological orders. However, only the second one would respect time
ordering. If both `return_all` and `respect_time_ordering` are `True`, then only all topological orders
that respect time are returned, not all valid topological orders. The default is `respect_time_ordering=True`,
matching previous behavior.