
Latest version: v1.3.1

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- Add `DeelWaarderingWebhookPayload` model.
- Use of strings for CBS codes.
- Add `buurtCode` field to `CbsIndeling` model.
- Allow for string input for endpoint `buurt`.
- Add UserAgent header to callback requests with format: CalcasaPublicAPI/`<version>`


- Add `geldverstrekker` field to the `CallbackInschrijving` model.
- Add support for mTLS on the callback service.
- By default when requested by the target server the public CA signed TLS certificate with the appropriate domain as Common Name will be offered as the client certificate.
- Public TLS Certificates rotate every couple of months.
- Change a couple of `date-time` fields that only contained a date to pure `date` fields. This might result is a different type in the generated clients and the service-side validation will be more strict. Times included in values will no longer be silently dropped, but will generate an error.
- Change `Modeldata` model `waardebepalingsdatum` field to type `date` in OpenAPI spec.
- Change `Bestemmingsdata` model `datumBestemmingplan` field to type `date` in OpenAPI spec.
- Change `Bodemdata` model `datumLaatsteOnderzoek` field to type `date` in OpenAPI spec.
- Change `Referentieobject` model `verkoopdatum` field to type `date` in OpenAPI spec.
- Change `VorigeVerkoop` model `verkoopdatum` field to type `date` in OpenAPI spec.
- Change `waarderingInputParameters` model `peildatum` field to type `date` in OpenAPI spec. This is an input field and will now require a date without a time.
- Add `desktopTaxatieHerwaardering` product to enumeration `ProductType`.
- The service no longer returns CORS headers.
- Actions now correctly report the 'application/problem+json' Content-Type in the documentation for the `HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity` responses.
- Added `energielabelData` field to `Objectdata` model to contain the extra information about the energy label.
- The OpenAPI spec generation was changed slightly and thus the generated and published clients might be affected. There might be some slight breaking changes at compile time, but the functionality remains the same.
- For example for


* Add `externeReferentie` field to the `CallbackInschrijving` and `WaarderingWebhookPayload` models.


- Add support for managing `CallbackSubscription`'s, this allows you to subscribe to callbacks for valuations that were not created with your API client.
- `GET /v1/callbacks/inschrijvingen`
- `POST /v1/callbacks/inschrijvingen`
- `GET /v1/callbacks/inschrijvingen/{bagNummeraanduidingId}`
- `DELETE /v1/callbacks/inschrijvingen/{bagNummeraanduidingId}`
- Add `taxateurnaam` field to the `Taxatiedata` model.
- Callback URIs should now end in `/` not just contain it to help stop common errors (ending in `=` is also still allowed when using a query string).
- Updating configuration in the `POST /v1/configuratie/callbacks` endpoint now clears stored but decommissioned versions from the configuration object.
- Add `klantkenmerk` to the `WaarderingInputParameters` and `Waardering` models.


- Added support for the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow for use of the API with user accounts.
- Add `Bouweenheid` to `FunderingSoortBron` enumeration.


- Added `LtvTeHoogOverbrugging` value to the `BusinessRulesCode` enumeration.

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