
Latest version: v0.3.1

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* add new features (apply_rule, apply_rules, get_invalid_rows, get_valid_rows)

* add new param called granular for GroupedTable get_invalid_rows and get_valid_rows allowing to retrieve data at the granular level.

* update the way functions are imported

* Fix is_iban by checking length

* add a way for user to define there own condition (UDC: User defined condition)

* adapt for pydantic ^2.8


* Introduce new class called CalistaEngine
* Implement where feature allowing user to execute check on data subset
* Complete types in mapping_type in each engine
* update AggregateCondition agg_col_name method to make it uppercase and also update sql get_schema
* update docstrings to replace CalistaTable by CalistaEngine
* add new function called rlike()
* rename groupBy() function with group_by()
* update tests


First release of calista



Has known vulnerabilities

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