* Updated `concentrations.concTotals` and `dissociation.eqConstants` to use [PyCO2SYS](https://github.com/mvdh7/PyCO2SYS) functions to calculate things instead of functions built in to Calkulate.
* Removed all equilibrium constant and concentration functions that were previously internally in Calkulate.
* Added optional total ammonia and hydrogen sulfide concentration inputs. If values are provided, these equilibria will now be taken into account by the `complete` solver.
* Fixed `io.writeDat` function to correctly delimit .dat files with tabs (not spaces).
* Added `simulate.titration` function to directly simulate a titration dataset.
* Updated solver functions to optionally accept `concTotals['C']` as an array.
* Renamed module `vindta` to `datfile`, but added alias to avoid breaking existing code.