
Latest version: v0.6.10

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User-facing changes

|new| `mkdocs_tabbed` option when writing math documentation to file (`calliope.Model.math_documentation.write(...)`) which will add YAML snippets to all rendered math as a separate "tab" if writing to Markdown.
Requires the [PyMdown tabbed extension]( to render the tabs correctly in an [MkDocs]( project.

|new| List of pre-defined parameters given in the `pre-defined` math documentation, with references back to the constraints/variables/global expressions in which they are defined (either in the `expression` string or the `where` string).

|new| Units and default values for variables and global expressions added to the math documentation.

|new| Variables and global expressions can have a `default` value, which is used to fill missing array elements when doing math operations.
These default values ensure that `NaN` doesn't creep into the built optimisation problem math and are set to values that lead to them having no impact on the optimal solution.

|new| Utility function `calliope.util.schema.update_model_schema(...)` to add user-defined parameters to the model schema / update existing parameters using YAML schema syntax.
`calliope.util.schema.reset()` can be used to clean the model schema and return to the original, pre-defined schema.

|fixed| Timeseries clustering file can be a non-ISO standard date format.
Both the index and the values of the timeseries (both being date strings) should be in the user-defined `config.init.time_format`.

|fixed| the decision variable `purchased_units` is linked to `flow_cap` even if neither of the parameters `flow_cap_min` or `flow_cap_max` have been defined by the user.

|changed| `inbuilt` math -> `pre-defined` math and `custom` math -> `pre-defined` math in the documentation.


v0.7 includes a major change to how Calliope internally operates.
Along with this, there are multiple changes to how Calliope models are defined and configured.
This requires adapting models to work with 0.7.
We group changes into those that are primarily user-facing and relevant for all Calliope users, and those that are primarily internal, and relevant only for Calliope developers.

User-facing changes

This section gives a brief summary of changes.
For more detail, see our migrating from v0.6 to v0.7 section in our [documentation](

|new| Storage buffers available in all technology base classes.

|new| Multiple carriers and different carriers in/out available in all technology base classes.

|new| `node_groups` added to match `tech_groups`.

|new| technology efficiencies split into inflow and outflow efficiencies.

|new| Technology capacities and efficiencies can be differentiated between technology carriers.

|new| Parameters can be defined outside the scope of `nodes` and `techs` using the top-level `parameters` key in YAML.

|new| Any parameters can be indexed over arbitrary dimensions, both core Calliope dimensions and new, user-defined dimensions.

|new| Non-timeseries data can be loaded from CSV files or in-memory Pandas DataFrames using the top-level `data_sources` key in YAML.

|new| User-defined mathematical formulations using the new Calliope math syntax can be loaded when creating a model.

|new| Shadow prices obtained from a dual LP problem can be read by using `model.backend.shadow_prices.get("constraint_name")`.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Updated to support Python versions >= 3.10.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Updated to Pandas >= v2.1, Pyomo >= v6.4, Xarray >= v2023.10.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Flat technology definitions, removing the distinction between `essentials`, `constraints` and `costs`.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Timeseries data is defined under the `data_sources` top-level key, not with `file=`/`df=` at the technology level.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Demand and carrier consumption values are strictly positive instead of strictly negative.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| `` method → two-stage `` + `model.solve()` methods.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| `model` and `run` top-level keys → `config.init`/`.build`/`.solve`.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| `locations` top-level key and `loc` data dimensions → `nodes`.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| `parent` technology parameter → `base_tech` + `inherit`.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Cost parameters are flattened and use the indexed parameter syntax.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| `links` top-level key → transmission links defined in `techs`.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Various parameters/decision variables renamed (namely `energy_` → `flow_`, `carrier_prod`/`_con` → `flow_out`/`_in`, and `resource` → `source_use`/`sink_use`).

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Various configuration options renamed.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| `force_resource` technology parameter → `source_use_equals` / `sink_use_equals`.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| `units` + `purchased` decision variables → `purchased_units`.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Parameters added to explicitly trigger MILP and storage decision variables/constraints.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Structure of input and output data within a Calliope model updated to remove concatenated `loc::tech::carrier` sets and technology subsets (e.g. `techs_supply`) in favour of sparse arrays indexed over core dimensions only (`nodes`, `techs`, `carriers`, `timesteps`).

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| ``/`lon` node parameter → `latitude`/`longitude`.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Distance units default to kilometres and can be reverted to metres with `config.init.distance_unit`.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| `operate` mode input parameters now expected to match `plan` mode decision variable names (e.g., `flow_cap`).

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Cyclic storage is defined per-technology, not as a top-level configuration option.

|changed| Documentation has been overhauled.

|removed| `_equals` constraints.
Use both `_min` and `_max` constraints to the same value.

|removed| `x`/`y` coordinates.
Use geographic lat/lon coordinates (in `EPSG:4326` projection) instead.

|removed| Comma-separated node definitions.
Inheriting duplicate definitions from `node_groups` instead.

|removed| `supply_plus` and `conversion_plus` technology base classes.
Use `supply` and `conversion` technology base classes instead.

|removed| `carrier` key.
Use `carrier_in` and `carrier_out` instead.

|removed| `carrier_tiers` and `carrier_ratios`.
Use indexed parameter definitions for `flow_out_eff` and your own math instead.

|removed| `calliope.Model.get_formatted_array`.
The Calliope internal representation of data now matches the format achieved by calling this method in v0.6.

|removed| Group constraints.
Use your own math instead.

|removed| Configuration options for features we no longer support.

|removed| Plotting.
See our documentation for example of how to visualise your data with Plotly.

|removed| Clustering.
Cluster your data before creating your Calliope model.
Mapping of timeseries dates to representative days is still possible.

Internal changes

|new| Automatic release uploads to PyPI and new accompanying pre-release pipeline.

|new| Choice of issue templates.

|new| YAML schema to catch the worst offences perpetrated in the model definition / configuration.
This schema is also rendered as a reference page in the documentation, replacing `defaults`/`config` tables.

|new| The model mathematical formulation (constraints, decision variables, objectives) is stored in a YAML configuration file: `math/base.yaml`.
Equation expressions and the logic to decide on when to apply a constraint/create a variable etc. are given in string format.
These strings are parsed according to a set of documented rules.

|changed| Development environment installation instructions (they're now simpler!).

|changed| Documentation has been ported to Markdown pages and is built using MKDocs and the Material theme.

|changed| Pre-processed model data checks are conducted according to a YAML configuration, instead of a hard-coded set of python functions.
An API will be created in due course to allow the user to add their own checks to the configuration.

|changed| Costs are now Pyomo expressions rather than decision variables.

|changed| When a model is loaded into an active session, configuration dictionaries are stored as dictionaries instead of serialised YAML strings in the model data attributes dictionary.
Serialisation and de-serialisation only occur on saving and loading from NetCDF, respectively.

|changed| Backend interface has been abstracted to enable non-Pyomo solver interfaces to be implemented in due course.

|changed| Repository structure has been re-configured to use the `src` layout, to rely on the `pyproject.toml` configuration file for most config, and to use only `.txt` requirements files (for pip+conda cross-compatibility)

|changed| CI moved from Azure pipelines (back) to GitHub Actions.

|changed| Stronger reliance on `pre-commit`, including a CI check to run it in Pull Requests.


|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Updated to Numpy v1.23, Pandas v1.5, Pyomo v6.4, Ruamel.yaml v0.17, Scikit-learn v1.2, Xarray v2022.3, GLPK v5. This enables Calliope to be installed on Apple Silicon devices, but changes the result of algorithmic timeseries clustering. [In scikit-learn version 0.24.0, the method of random sampling for K-Means clustering was changed]( This change will lead to different optimisation results if using [K-Means clustering]( in your model.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Removed support for Python version 3.7 since some updated dependencies are not available in this version.

|changed| Installation instructions for developers have changed since we no longer duplicate pinned packages between the development/testing requirements file (`requirements.yml`) and the package requirements file (`requirements.txt`). See [the documentation]( for updated instructions.

|fixed| Set ordering in the model dataset is consistent before and after optimising a model with clustered timeseries. Previously, the link between clusters and timesteps would become mixed following optimisation, so running `` would yield a different result.


|changed| Updated to Python 3.9, with compatibility testing continuing for versions 3.8 and 3.9. Multi-platform CI tests are run on Python 3.9 instead of Python 3.8. CI tests on a Linux machine are also run for versions 3.7 and 3.8. This has been explicitly mentioned in the documentation.

|changed| Updated to Click 8.0.

|changed| Updated CBC Windows binary link in documentation to version 2.10.8.

|fixed| SPORES mode scoring will ignore technologies with energy capacities that are equal to their minimum capacities (i.e., `energy_cap_min`) or which have fixed energy capacities (`energy_cap_equals`).

|fixed| SPORE number is retained when continuing a model run in SPORES mode when solutions already exist for SPORE >= 1. Previously, the SPORE number would be reset to zero.

|fixed| Malformed carrier-specific group constraints are skipped without skipping all subsequent group constraints.

|fixed| Spurious negative values in `storage_inital` in operate mode are ignored in subsequent optimisation runs (379). Negative values are a result of optimisation tolerances allowing a strictly positive decision variable to end up with (very small in magnitude) negative values. Forcing these to zero between operate mode runs ensures that Pyomo doesn't raise an exception that input values are outside the valid domain (NonNegativeReals).

|fixed| `om_annual` investment costs will be calculated for technologies with only an `om_annual` cost defined in their configuration (373). Previously, no investment costs would be calculated in this edge case.


|new| run configuration parameter to enable relaxation of the `demand_share_per_timestep_decision` constraint.

|new| `storage_cap_min/equals/max` group constraints added.

|changed| Updated to Pyomo 6.2, pandas 1.3, xarray 0.20, numpy 1.20.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| parameters defaulting to False now default to None, to avoid confusion with zero. To 'switch off' a constraint, a user should now set it to 'null' rather than 'false' in their YAML configuration.

|changed| `INFO` logging level includes logs for dataset cleaning steps before saving to NetCDF and for instantiation of timeseries clustering/resampling (if taking place).

|fixed| `demand_share_per_timestep_decision` constraint set includes all expected (location, technology, carrier) items. In the previous version, not all expected items were captured.

|fixed| Mixed dtype xarray dataset variables, where one dtype is boolean, are converted to float if possible. This overcomes an error whereby the NetCDF file cannot be created due to a mixed dtype variable.


|new| `spores` run mode can skip the cost-optimal run, with the user providing initial conditions for `spores_score` and slack system cost.

|new| Support for Pyomo's `gurobi_persistent` solver interface, which enables a more memory- and time-efficient update and re-running of models. A new backend interface has been added to re-build constraints / the objective in the Gurobi persistent solver after updating Pyomo parameters.

|new| A scenario can now be a mix of overrides *and* other scenarios, not just overrides.

|new| `model.backend.rerun()` can work with both `spores` and `plan` run modes (previously only `plan` worked). In the `spores` case, this only works with a built backend that has not been previously run (i.e. ``), but allows a user to update constraints etc. before running the SPORES method.

|changed| |backwards-incompatible| Carrier-specific group constraints are only allowed in isolation (one constraint in the group).

|changed| If `ensure_feasibility` is set to `True`, `unmet_demand` will always be returned in the model results, even if the model is feasible. Fixes issue 355.

|changed| Updated to Pyomo 6.0, pandas 1.2, xarray 0.17.

|changed| Update CBC Windows binary link in documentation.

|fixed| AttrDict now has a `__name__` attribute, which makes pytest happy.

|fixed| CLI plotting command has been re-enabled. Fixes issue 341.

|fixed| Group constraints are more robust to variations in user inputs. This entails a trade-off whereby some previously accepted user configurations will no longer be possible, since we want to avoid the complexity of processing them.

|fixed| `demand_share_per_timestep_decision` now functions as expected, where it previously did not enforce the per-timestep share after having decided upon it.

|fixed| Various bugs squashed in running operate mode.

|fixed| Handle number of timesteps lower than the horizon length in `operate` mode (337).

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