- Various changes to enable the support of webpack 3 and 4. [
`6 <https://github.com/calmjs/calmjs.webpack/issues/6>`_
- Substantial modification to the generation of webpack configuration
scripts, as they are constructed through helpers that construct an
abstract syntax tree through ``calmjs.parse``. This is done so that
webpack version specific incompatibilities can be added/removed into
the generated script as executable Node.js code.
- A kill plugin is provided to karma by default; if webpack fails to
build, the karma process will halt, as the ``singleRun: true`` flag
no longer does the job for webpack.
- Provide the ability to interrogate artifacts that simply have their
function scope variable names mangled. [
`8 <https://github.com/calmjs/calmjs.webpack/issues/8>`_