- Initial release of CAP-AnnData.
- Introduced the `CapAnnData` class for managing AnnData files, with functionalities to:
- Read and write specific columns of `obs` and `var`.
- Handle the `X` and `raw.X` matrices efficiently.
- Link and manage `obsm` and `uns` sections lazily, loading them only when accessed.
- Included the `CapAnnDataDF` class to extend `pandas.DataFrame` for handling partial reads and writes, with additional methods for renaming and removing columns.
- Provided the `CapAnnDataDict` class to manage the `uns` section of AnnData files, tracking keys to remove upon overwrite.
- Implemented methods to facilitate in-memory modifications and saving changes back to the file, including the `overwrite` method to selectively update sections of the AnnData file.