flemse(correct = df$ResponseCorrect, conf = df$Confidence, Nratings = unique(df$Confidence))
df = df1
modality = "Intero"
df <- df %>%
filter(Modality == modality) %>%
mutate(stimuli = as.numeric(Alpha > 0), Modality = as.factor(Modality), reponse = as.factor(as.numeric((Decision == "More")))) %>%
df$Confidence_bin <- discretebins(df, 4)[[1]]
model = get_data(df,modality, bins)
flemse(correct = df$ResponseCorrect, conf = df$Confidence, Nratings = 4)
correct = df$ResponseCorrect
flemse(correct = df$ResponseCorrect, conf = df$Confidence_bin, Nratings = 4)
conf = df$Confidence_bin
Nratings = 4
correct = df$ResponseCorrect
i <- Nratings + 1
H2 <- numeric(Nratings)
FA2 <- numeric(Nratings)
flemse(correct = df$ResponseCorrect, conf = df$Confidence_bin, Nratings = 4)
flemse(correct = df$ResponseCorrect, conf = df$Confidence_bin, Nratings = 4)
pacman::p_load(tidyverse,ggdist,psycho,caret,patchwork, gt, cowplot, grid,reticulate,cmdstanr,posterior,rstan,bayesplot,here,rmarkdown)
np <- import("numpy")
Here we read the same file as in the python notebook:
psychophysics_df = read_csv('')
df = psychophysics_df %>% filter(Subject == "sub_0202")
loading the functions to do the analysis:
results = single_sub_analysis(df, The raw dataframe
interoPost = interoPost, numpy array for the intero (NA if not avaliable)
exteroPost = exteroPost, numpy array for the extero (NA if not avaliable)
bayesian = F, Bayesian Analysis (TRUE/FALSE)
model = NA, Bayesian model here a stan script (NA if Bayesian is FALSE)
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R")) Output directory for results
This line reads in a subject result file:
df = read_csv("")
These next lines read in the psi posterior distributions for each modality.
These will be saved with names depending on your conditions, so modify as needed.
interoPost = np$load(here("docs","source","examples","templates","data","HRD","Intero_posterior.npy"))
exteroPost = np$load(here("docs","source","examples","templates","data","HRD","Extero_posterior.npy"))
results = single_sub_analysis(df, The raw dataframe
interoPost = interoPost, numpy array for the intero (NA if not avaliable)
exteroPost = exteroPost, numpy array for the extero (NA if not avaliable)
bayesian = F, Bayesian Analysis (TRUE/FALSE)
model = NA, Bayesian model here a stan script (NA if Bayesian is FALSE)
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R")) Output directory for results
pacman::p_load(tidyverse,ggdist,psycho,caret,patchwork, gt, cowplot, grid,reticulate, here,rmarkdown)
np <- import("numpy")
This line reads in a subject result file:
df = read_csv("")
These next lines read in the psi posterior distributions for each modality.
These will be saved with names depending on your conditions, so modify as needed.
interoPost = np$load(here("docs","source","examples","templates","data","HRD","Intero_posterior.npy"))
exteroPost = np$load(here("docs","source","examples","templates","data","HRD","Extero_posterior.npy"))
loading the functions to do the analysis:
results = single_sub_analysis(df, The raw dataframe
interoPost = interoPost, numpy array for the intero (NA if not avaliable)
exteroPost = exteroPost, numpy array for the extero (NA if not avaliable)
bayesian = F, Bayesian Analysis (TRUE/FALSE)
model = NA, Bayesian model here a stan script (NA if Bayesian is FALSE)
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R")) Output directory for results
pacman::p_load(tidyverse,ggdist,psycho,caret,patchwork, gt, cowplot, grid,reticulate,cmdstanr,posterior,rstan,bayesplot,here,rmarkdown)
np <- import("numpy")
Here we read the same file as in the python notebook:
psychophysics_df = read_csv('')
df = psychophysics_df %>% filter(Subject == "sub_0202")
loading the functions to do the analysis:
results = single_sub_analysis(df,
interoPost = NA,
exteroPost = NA,
bayesian = F,
model = model,
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R"))
df = psychophysics_df %>% filter(Subject == "sub_0172")
results = single_sub_analysis(df,
interoPost = NA,
exteroPost = NA,
bayesian = F,
model = model,
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R"))
df = psychophysics_df %>% filter(Subject == "sub_0067")
results = single_sub_analysis(df,
interoPost = NA,
exteroPost = NA,
bayesian = F,
model = model,
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R"))
loading the functions to do the analysis:
results = single_sub_analysis(df,
interoPost = NA,
exteroPost = NA,
bayesian = F,
model = model,
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R"))
loading the functions to do the analysis:
model = cmdstan_model(here("docs","source","examples","R","src","first_model.stan"))
results = single_sub_analysis(df,
interoPost = NA,
exteroPost = NA,
bayesian = F,
model = model,
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R"))
df = psychophysics_df %>% filter(Subject == "sub_0098")
model = cmdstan_model(here("docs","source","examples","R","src","first_model.stan"))
results = single_sub_analysis(df,
interoPost = NA,
exteroPost = NA,
bayesian = F,
model = model,
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R"))
df = psychophysics_df %>% filter(Subject == "sub_0044")
model = cmdstan_model(here("docs","source","examples","R","src","first_model.stan"))
results = single_sub_analysis(df,
interoPost = NA,
exteroPost = NA,
bayesian = F,
model = model,
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R"))
df = psychophysics_df %>% filter(Subject == "sub_0042")
results = single_sub_analysis(df,
interoPost = NA,
exteroPost = NA,
bayesian = F,
model = model,
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R"))
df$ResponseCorrect <- ifelse(df$ResponseCorrect == "", NA, df$ResponseCorrect)
df$Decision <- ifelse(df$Decision == "", NA, df$Decision)
df <- df %>%
Decision = as.character(df$Decision),
ConfidenceRT = as.numeric(df$ConfidenceRT),
DecisionRT = as.numeric(df$DecisionRT),
Confidence = as.numeric(df$Confidence),
Condition = as.character(df$Condition),
listenBPM = as.numeric(df$listenBPM),
responseBPM = as.numeric(df$responseBPM),
ResponseCorrect = as.numeric(as.factor(df$ResponseCorrect)) - 1,
EstimatedThreshold = as.numeric(df$EstimatedThreshold),
EstimatedSlope = as.numeric(df$EstimatedSlope),
check for NA's in the critical columns of the data:
specify different ways of coding missing values:
missing_pres <- c(NA, "na", "N/A", "NaN", NaN, "n/a")
trials_missing <- df %>%
select(Decision, Confidence, ConfidenceRT, Confidence, Condition, listenBPM, responseBPM, nTrials) %>%
filter_all(any_vars(. %in% missing_pres)) %>%
if (length(trials_missing) != 0) {
print(paste("Number of NA's = ", length(trials_missing), " detected in trials : "))
remove the NA's
df1 <- df %>% filter(!nTrials %in% trials_missing)
df = df1
modality = "Extero"
df <- df %>%
filter(Modality == modality) %>%
mutate(stimuli = as.numeric(Alpha > 0), Modality = as.factor(Modality), reponse = as.factor(as.numeric((Decision == "More")))) %>%
df$Confidence_bin <- discretebins(df, 4)[[1]]
model = get_data(df,modality, bins)
get_data = function(df, modality,bins){
if(bins == T){
m1 = glm(ResponseCorrect ~ Confidence_bin, data = df %>% filter(Modality == modality), family = binomial(link = "logit"))
m1 = glm(ResponseCorrect ~ Confidence, data = df %>% filter(Modality == modality), family = binomial(link = "logit"))
roc_con = pROC::roc(df %>% filter(Modality == modality) %>% .$ResponseCorrect , m1$fitted)
auc = pROC::auc(roc_con)
return(pROC::ggroc(roc_con)$data %>% mutate(Modality = modality, AUC = auc[[1]]))
bins = T
df <- df %>%
filter(Modality == modality) %>%
mutate(stimuli = as.numeric(Alpha > 0), Modality = as.factor(Modality), reponse = as.factor(as.numeric((Decision == "More")))) %>%
df$Confidence_bin <- discretebins(df, 4)[[1]]
model = get_data(df,modality, bins)
flemse(correct = df$ResponseCorrect, conf = df$Confidence_bin, Nratings = 4)
df <- df %>%
filter(Modality == modality) %>%
mutate(stimuli = as.numeric(Alpha > 0), Modality = as.factor(Modality), reponse = as.factor(as.numeric((Decision == "More")))) %>%
df$Confidence_bin <- discretebins(df, 4)[[1]]
model = get_data(df,modality, bins)
flemse(correct = df$ResponseCorrect, conf = df$Confidence_bin, Nratings = 4)
loading the functions to do the analysis:
model = cmdstan_model(here("docs","source","examples","R","src","first_model.stan"))
results = single_sub_analysis(df,
interoPost = NA,
exteroPost = NA,
bayesian = F,
model = model,
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R"))
loading the functions to do the analysis:
results = single_sub_analysis(df,
interoPost = NA,
exteroPost = NA,
bayesian = F,
model = model,
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R"))
loading the functions to do the analysis:
results = single_sub_analysis(df,
interoPost = NA,
exteroPost = NA,
bayesian = F,
model = model,
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R"))
pacman::p_load(tidyverse,ggdist,psycho,caret,patchwork, gt, cowplot, grid,reticulate,cmdstanr,posterior,rstan,bayesplot,here,rmarkdown)
np <- import("numpy")
Here we read the same file as in the python notebook:
psychophysics_df = read_csv('')
df = psychophysics_df %>% filter(Subject == "sub_0042")
loading the functions to do the analysis:
model = cmdstan_model(here("docs","source","examples","R","src","first_model.stan"))
results = single_sub_analysis(df,
interoPost = NA,
exteroPost = NA,
bayesian = F,
model = model,
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R"))
loading the functions to do the analysis:
model = cmdstan_model(here("docs","source","examples","R","src","first_model.stan"))
results = single_sub_analysis(df,
interoPost = NA,
exteroPost = NA,
bayesian = F,
model = model,
out = here::here("docs","source","examples","R"))