This patch fixes deserializing serialized `datetime`. TomlKit will deserialize into its own time, `tomlkit.items.DateTime`, which is then rejected by the Carica deserializer. This release fixes this issue by allowing subclasses during type checking, instead of forcing exact type matching.
This patch fixes the package installer. Previously, the package simply was not installed, neither was its dependencies.
Allow generic SerializableDataClass field Unions previously, due to the computational complexity and ambiguity of choosing the best candidate of a Union type hint, Unions were prohibited from being generic. This release allows generic Union hints of arbitrary depth by enforcing a 'first fit' policy instead of 'best fit'.
Enabled the `SerializableDataClass` prebuilt model.
`SerializableDataClass` will now inspect the type hints of its fields and intelligently type check incoming serialized objects, traversing the type hints recursively to allow for very granular typing.
* Added a check in `_partialModuleVariables` to ignore false positives * Accept `datetime.datetime` as a primitive type * Added `SerializableTimedelta` as a model extending `datetime.timedelta` as a serializable class * Added `_fieldNames` class method to `SerializableDataClass` * Added `_fieldItems` instance method to `SerializableDataClass` * Update readme
* Added library-level version attribute: `carica.__version__` * Fixed `SerializableDataClass` deserializer * Fixed `SerializablePath` instancing behaviour * Updated readme * Fixed package version number