* Make the subject line of the order receipt email editable - Gary Reynolds
* If a request is made to /shop/cart/complete/ fails, raise 404 Not Found error instead of leaving an uncaught DoesNotExist to bubble up - Gary Reynolds
* Added pre-purchase card expiry validation - Stephen McDonald
* Ported default templates from 960.gs to Twitter Bootstrap - Stephen McDonald
* Maintain a consistent grid size for category products - Stephen McDonald
* Removed unused product search and changed product pagination to use Mezzanine's - Stephen McDonald
* Moved all include templates into includes directory - Stephen McDonald
* Use bootstrap's media-grid for product images - Stephen McDonald
* Added overlay for full product image - Stephen McDonald
* Changed LICENSE from 3-clause to 2-clause BSD - Stephen McDonald
* Bump the required Mezzanine version - Stephen McDonald
* Added complete handling for Django's staticfiles app, in line with Mezzanine - Stephen McDonald
* Updates required for Mezzanine's device handling refactor - Stephen McDonald
* Removed all uses of ifequal and ifnotequal templatetags - Stephen McDonald
* Added model graph to docs - Stephen McDonald
* Updated the ``project_template`` settings to reflect new mezzanine SSLMiddleware. Updated ``cartridge.shop.middleware.SSLRedirect`` deprecation warning to instruct the user to use ``mezzanine.core.middleware.SSLMiddleware`` - Josh Cartmell
* Set defaults for ``SITE_FORCE_SSL_URL_PREFIXES`` - Josh Cartmell
* Refactored setting default images for variations, and formset saving in ProductAdmin, to handle when images get deleted and are no longer valid selections for variations, which would raise errors. Closes 14 - Stephen McDonald
* Removed account functionality - now implemented in Mezzanine - Stephen McDonald
* Don't import * from ``mezzanine.project_template.settings``, just define everything explicitly in the settings module - Stephen McDonald
* Update arg for the new format for Mezzanine's ratings in the product template - Stephen McDonald
* make default shipping handler respect ``free_shipping`` - lexual
* Revert to previous format for Mezzanine's ``rating_for`` templatetag, since a better approach for removing hard-coded rating field name has been implemented - Stephen McDonald
* Add missing messages context processor for Django 1.4 - Stephen McDonald
* Use a generic sqlite db name in ``local_settings.py`` - Stephen McDonald
* Add the possibility of disabling the Payment step - pokoli
* Upgrade to Bootstrap 2.0 - Stephen McDonald
* Add deprecated fallback for SSLMiddleware - Stephen McDonald
* check if field exists before deleting, refs ``https://github.com/stephenmcd/cartridge/issues/17`` - Kamal Bin Mustafa
* Fix step calculation when payments aren't enabled - Stephen McDonald
* Settings containing paths to code to run shouldn't be editable. Smells like a vulnerability - Stephen McDonald
* Update settings docs, model graphs - Stephen McDonald