- CausalML surpassed [235,000 downloads](https://pepy.tech/project/causalml)!
- We have 5 new community contributors, Suraj (surajiyer), Harsh (HarshCasper), Manoj (manojbalaji1), Matthew (maccam912) and Václav (vaclavbelak). Thanks for the contribution!
Major Updates
- Add Policy learner, DR learner, DRIV learner by huigangchen (292)
- Add wrapper for CEVAE, a deep latent-variable and variational autoencoder based model by ppstacy (276)
Minor Updates
- Add propensity_learner to R-learner by jeongyoonlee (297)
- Add BaseLearner class for other meta-learners to inherit from without duplicated code by jeongyoonlee (295)
- Fix installation issue for Shap>=0.38.1 by paullo0106 (287)
- Fix import error for sklearn>= 0.24 by jeongyoonlee (283)
- Fix KeyError issue in Filter method for certain dataset by surajiyer (281)
- Fix inconsistent cumlift score calculation of multiple models by vaclavbelak (273)
- Fix duplicate values handling in feature selection method by manojbalaji1 (271)
- Fix the color spectrum of SHAP summary plot for feature interpretations of meta-learners by paullo0106 (269)
- Add IIA and value optimization related documentation by t-tte (264)
- Fix StratifiedKFold arguments for propensity score estimation by paullo0106 (262)
- Refactor the code with string format argument and is to compare object types, and change methods not using bound instance to static methods by harshcasper (256, 260)