* Removed Python 3.5 support and add Python 3.8 support.
* Updated core dependencies, supporting pandas 1.1, networkx 2.5, pgmpy 0.1.12.
* Added PyTorch to requirements (i.e. not optional anymore).
* Allows sklearn imports via `from causalnex.structure import DAGRegressor, DAGClassifier`.
* Added multiclass support to pytorch sklearn wrapper.
* Added multi-parameter collapsed graph as graph attribute.
* Added poisson regression support to sklearn wrapper.
* Added distribution support for structure learning:
* Added ordinal distributed data support for pytorch NOTEARS.
* Added categorical distributed data support for pytorch NOTEARS.
* Added poisson distributed data support for pytorch NOTEARS.
* Added dist type schema tutorial to docs.
* Updated sklearn tutorial in docs to show new features.
* Added constructive ImportError for pygraphviz.
* Added matplotlib and ipython display convenience functions.