This release performs a major refactor to rename all methods with descriptive names. This includes:
- Greek letters alpha, kappa, psi renamed to deflection_angle, convergence, potential
- deflection_angle made more explicit with reduced_deflection_angle and physical_deflection_angle
- ThickLens lensing made more explicit, base deflection angle calculator is pure raytrace, now physical_deflection_angle throws an error, reduced_deflection_angle throws a warning and points to effective_reduced_deflection_angle
- project moved from src directory to simpler caustic directory
- cosmology made more explicit with dist to distance and Sigma_cr to critical_surface_density
- Pixelated source and lens made more explicit with source now called Pixelated and lens now called PixelatedConvergence leaving open for future work: PixelatedPotential and other variants
- Sersic parameters renamed to match literature with index going to n also now q is a true axis ratio which stretches only the minor axis and not an alternative definition which stretches both axes