This release includes bugfixes and contributions from the Carbon Black community.
All products:
* More Python 3 compatibility fixes.
* Fix the ``wait_for_completion`` and ``wait_for_output`` options in the Live Response ``.create_process()`` method.
If ``wait_for_completion`` is True, the call to ``.create_process()`` will block until the remote process
has exited. If ``wait_for_output`` is True, then ``.create_process()`` will additionally wait until the output
of the remote process is ready and return that output to the caller. Setting ``wait_for_output`` to True automatically
sets ``wait_for_completion`` to True as well.
* The ``BaseAPI`` constructor now takes three new optional keyword arguments to control the underlying connection
pool: ``pool_connections``, ``pool_maxsize``, and ``pool_block``. These arguments are sent to the underlying
``HTTPAdapter`` used when connecting to the Carbon Black server. For more information on these parameters, see
the `Python requests module API documentation for HTTPAdapter <http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/api/#requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter>`_.
CB Defense:
* Date/time stamps in the Device model object are now represented as proper Python datetime objects, rather than
* The ``policy_operations.py`` example script's "Replace Rule" command is fixed.
* Add the CB Live Response job-based API.
* Add a new example script ``list_devices.py``
CB Response:
* The ``Process`` and ``Binary`` model objects now return None by default when a non-existent attribute is referenced,
rather than throwing an exception.
* Fixes to ``walk_children.py`` example script.
* Fix exceptions in enumerating child processes, retrieving path and MD5sums from processes.
* Multiple ``.where()`` clauses can now be used in the ``Sensor`` model object.
* Workaround implemented for retrieving/managing more than 500 banned hashes.
* Alert bulk operations now work on batches of 500 alerts.
* ``.flush_events()`` method on ``Sensor`` model object no longer throws an exception on CB Response 6.x servers.
* ``.restart_sensor()`` method now available for ``Sensor`` model object.
* Fix ``user_operations.py`` example script to eliminate exception when adding a new user to an existing team.
* Add ``.remove_team()`` method on ``User`` model object.
* Automatically set ``cb.legacy_5x_mode`` query parameter for all Process queries whenever a legacy Solr core (from
CB Response 5.x) is loaded.
* Added ``.use_comprehensive_search()`` method to enable the "comprehensive search" option on a Process query.
See the `CB Developer Network documentation on Comprehensive Search
for more information on "comprehensive search".
* Add ``.all_childprocs()``, ``.all_modloads()``, ``.all_filemods()``, ``.all_regmods()``, ``.all_crossprocs()``,
and ``.all_netconns()`` methods to retrieve process events from all segments, rather than the current process segment.
You can also use the special segment "0" to retrieve process events across all segments.
* Fix ``cmdline_filters`` in the ``IngressFilter`` model object.
App Control (CB Protection):
* Tamper Protection can now be set and cleared in the ``Computer`` model object.