**Major Changes:**
Added example you can run by calling "python -m CEA_Wrap"
Added two example files in "examples" directory
All problem classes have gone from using Snake_Case to CapsWord case i.e. Rocket_Problem --> RocketProblem
preferred method to run cea changed to "run" instead of "run_cea" (old one kept around for legacy)
Materials will now error if the material declared isn't defined in the provided thermo_spg.inp file (helpfully finds similar materials)
Added ThermoInterface so that you can access many properties from all the materials in the thermo_spg.inp file
Added several utility functions, which are in the readme
**Output Changes:**
"m" key in output is now set to the value of "mw" if there are no condensed phase products
key "condensed" is True if m was not 0 and False otherwise
Created a build process for compiling on linux and theoretically compiling on mac
Moved many things into "assets" directory including the NASA pdfs