* **backwards incompatible change**
Added support for `django-celery-transactions`_ to make sure the tasks
are respecting Django's transaction management. It holds on to Celery tasks
until the current database transaction is committed, avoiding potential
race conditions as described in `Celery's user guide`_.
This is **enabled by default** but can be disabled in case you want
to manually manage the transactions::
* Refactored the error handling to always return a message about what
happened in every step of the index interaction. Raises exception about
misconfiguration and wrong parameters quicker.
* Improved support for multiple search indexes as implemented by
Haystack 2.X. Many thanks to Germán M. Bravo (Kronuz).
.. _`django-celery-transactions`: https://github.com/chrisdoble/django-celery-transactions
.. _`Celery's user guide`: http://celery.readthedocs.org/en/latest/userguide/tasks.htmldatabase-transactions