
Latest version: v1.3.7.post2

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With this release, we introduce progress bars directly in the GUI for some of the most computationally heavy tasks (segmentation, tracking, measurements) with an abort function to seamlessly cancel a task and check results for the first few frames.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/celldetective/celldetective/compare/v1.3.6.post2...v1.3.7.post2


New Features and Enhancements

Trackpy Integration as a New Tracker Option

- Added Trackpy as a secondary tracking algorithm.
- Benefits: Faster and easier to configure—just tune the search distance and memory parameters for optimal performance.

Concentration Units in Project Metadata

- Upon creating a new experiment project, you can now specify concentration units, after request from DizBell.
- These units are automatically included in the metadata section of the configuration file and propagated to output tables for consistency.

Pre-Event Conditions for All Time-Propagation Methods

- The pre-event condition now applies to all time-propagation methods when classifying events, improving versatility and precision.

Image Preprocessing Before Spot Detection

- You can now perform image preprocessing directly before spot detection.
- Preprocessing ensures optimal input quality for downstream analysis.

Invert Operation for Preprocessing

- Introduced an invert operation with a customizable symmetry value (default: 65536).
- Useful for preprocessing image data where inversion is necessary for analysis.

Transient Event Detection

- Added support for detecting transient events using a condition-based method: if a condition is true for at least one frame, a peak detection algorithm identifies all time points where the condition holds. It automatically selects the longest continuous segment of such events.
- Designed for use with derivatives or second derivatives of features like intensity or area, or multivariate peaks.
Bug Fixes

- Resolved minor issues to improve stability and performance.
- Added a routine to catch exceptions with multithreading.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/celldetective/celldetective/compare/v1.3.5...v1.3.6.post2


Introducing Track Correction in Celldetective

Celldetective now empowers users to edit trajectories directly in napari, marking a significant step forward in trajectory refinement and analysis.

Previously, users could view the raw bTrack output in napari, where cell masks were dynamically relabeled to ensure consistent mask values for the same cells across all frames. Now, with the new **Track Correction** feature, you can seamlessly edit trajectories:

1. Select & Edit with Precision: Use the pipette tool to pick a cell mask value, navigate to the next frame, and assign that value to any target cell.
2. Automatic Propagation: The new value propagates across all time points for the selected cell, ensuring consistency.
3. Dynamic Relabeling: If another cell shares the selected value, it is automatically reassigned the next available ``TRACK_ID``, effectively creating a new, distinct trajectory.

This functionality enables intuitive rewiring of tracking branches and the automatic initialization of new tracks for separated branches. Upon saving, trajectory tables are instantly updated to reflect the changes, maintaining compatibility with existing post-processing workflows. From there, you can proceed with measurements or remeasurements effortlessly.

With track correction, Celldetective enhances your ability to refine and analyze cell trajectories, unlocking new possibilities for advanced tracking and accurate data interpretation.

Notable changes

New Features and Enhancements

1. **Survival Function for Cell Pairs**: Event times can now be derived from cell pairs or individual partners, enabling synchronized survival analysis. Example: An effector cell forms a synapse with a target cell at $t_\textrm{syn}$ (pair event), and the target dies at $t_\textrm{death}$. Now, you can plot the survival of the target cell synchronized to $t_\textrm{syn}$.
2. **Radial Distance Measurement**: Radial distance to the image center is now measured automatically, simplifying edge-exclusion tasks during analysis.
3. **Dynamic Intensity Feature Handling**: The intensity_mean feature now switches automatically to intensity_nanmean when required, with column names updated accordingly.
4. **Edge-Censoring for First Detection Events**: Cells appearing near image edges are now left-censored for their first detection event. Rationale: Tracks starting close to the edge likely represent cells entering the frame, not sedimenting.
5. **Pre-Event Option for Irreversible Events**: Define pre-requisite events for your primary event of interest.
Cells without the pre-event are assigned NaN for the main event until the pre-event time, ensuring robust event classification.
6. **Priority-Based Time Series Selection**: A hierarchical system for time series selection in event detection models: First preference: Exact match with time series name. Second preference: Name starts with the requirement. Third preference: Requirement appears anywhere in the name.
7. **BigTIFF Encoding for Large Images**: Preprocessing now uses BigTIFF encoding to avoid stack errors for large images (> 4 GB).

Improvements and Fixes

1. Colormap Bug Resolved: Improved stability and accuracy of visualizations.
2. Automatic Tight Layouts for Figures: Widgets now resize dynamically with tight layouts applied for cleaner visuals.
3. General Bug Fixes: Addressed various minor bugs to enhance usability and performance.

These updates aim to refine workflows, improve data quality, and expand Celldetective’s analytical capabilities. Upgrade now to explore these features!

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/celldetective/celldetective/compare/v1.3.4.post1...v1.3.5


- Introducing checkable well & position lists to better control the conditions to process or redo with new parameters as well as more intuitive selection of data for table representations
- Automatic check on startup for a newer version of the software (a message in the terminal tells you to update if you are not up-to-date)
- Small hover response on QCheckBox options
- New measurements are available for background normalized images (typically RICM/IRM/BF); you can now measure the number of pixels < 1 in the mask and estimate the fraction of the mask area that it represents
- Auto correct missing labels upon measuring
- Bug corrected in the event detection annotator with the update of class/status colors after saving
- Feat: the selected cell remains selected when switching from one event class to another in the annotator
- Prevent negative values from entering square root operator in filters
- Texture computation is now skipped on completely black frames to save time

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/celldetective/celldetective/compare/v1.3.3.post1...v1.3.4.post1


- Update the "How to cite" with the latest version of the Celldetective manuscript (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.03.15.585250v3)
- Complete redesign of the spot detection viewer, to inherit from the StackVisualizer class. Real-size scatter plot showing detections instead of adding Circle patches.
- Spot detection: switch to LoG method, more robust. Refactoring of the code to make computation faster. Store spot counts and average intensity of spots. Replace with newest spot detection upon remeasuring.
- Replace with newest texture measurements upon remeasuring.
- Automatically delete corrupted segmentation models that do not have a config_input.json file (they can't be opened by Celldetective).
- Prompt Cellpose/StarDist parameters every time a generalist model is called, to be able to switch from a model to another.
- Automatically add a newly trained model to the Model zoo and refresh to display it.
- Single images can now be processed, with intelligent detection of the number of channels and axes (to separate A 3-channel image from 3 frames with 1 channel)
- Automatic padding of segmentation annotation crops that are too small for StarDist (less than 256*256 pixels)

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/celldetective/celldetective/compare/v1.3.2...v1.3.3.post1


* Table exploration for cell pairs: new collapse-in-neighborhood function to collapse the measurements per cell pair or reference cell, including or excluding non-contact states
* Function `expand_pair_table` to merge pair tables and single-population tables (in relative_measurements.py), also replaced in GUI
* Function to extract a specific neighborhood data in a pair table `extract_neighborhood_in_pair_table` (in neighborhood.py)
* auto-scaling in classifier widget that adds a 5% pad on measurements values to not cut exactly at min/max values in -x and -y
* Threshold event detection: new safety net to prevent the detection of times larger than the stack length due to an approximate fit of the binary response function (truncated automatically to the max frame) (from DizBell request)
* Export survival data: per well or position according to the plotting set up, either full Kaplan-Meier estimate with confidence interval or a single-timepoint survival or any ECN% (as in EC50) as a table with the experiment metadata (concentrations, antibodies, cell types etc) ready for plots or export (request by DizBell)
* Table UI: new line plot function from seaborn, works particularly well when passing `FRAME` as -x to view the average response (non-synchronized) of a population, or the average change over time of a quantity (e.g. fluo)
* Table UI: features to take the LOG10 of a quantity (values <= 0 yield NaN), and calibrate a measurement with a multiplicative factor
* Fix: replace with the newest measurements when remeasuring a quantity in Celldetective (before, the oldest was kept)
* Fix: bug with the mask-contact neighborhood method, yielding wrong reference-neighbor pairs
* Feat: new mask intersection quantity for mask-contact method to evaluate how much target/effector masks are superimposed. Expressed relative to target or effector area when area has been computed before interaction study. Intersection of 0 means lateral contact but no actual superposition (eg: contact within a population, sharing same label_targets/effectors, will always give 0 for touching cells)
* Time series collapse module: include class 2 cells in "all cells" plotting option.


* remyeltorro

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/celldetective/celldetective/compare/v1.3.1...v1.3.2

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