- Update loss tests
- Add a conv block `BasicConvOld` to enable `Dippa` to cellseg conversion of models.
- Fix `inst_key`, `aux_key` bug in `MultiTaskUnet`
- Add a type_map > 0 masking for the `inst_map`s in post-processing
- Modify the optimizer adjustment utility function to adjust any optim/weight params.
- Modify lit `SegmentationExperiment` according to new changes.
- Add optional spectral decoupliing to all losses
- Add optional Label smoothing to all losses
- Add optional Spatially varying label smoothing to all losses
- Add mse, ssim and iqi torchmetrics for metric logging.
- Add wandb per class metric callback for logging.
- Add `from_yaml` init classmethod to initialize from yaml files.
<a id='changelog-0.1.3'></a>