
Latest version: v4.0.1

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* Use universal wheel. [Geoffrey Spear]


* Dropped support for python 2.6 and 3.3



* CounterBook.isbn is now a property; it will evaluate to the generic ISBN
given in a tabular report (or the constructor, manually), if any, or to an
Online_ISBN or Print_ISBN given in an XML report, if they exist, in that
order. CounterBook.online_isbn and CounterBook_print_isbn added. [Geoffrey



* Travis: 3.6 released; use it for pyflakes and remove -dev tag. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Travis: add 3.6-dev env. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Tox: test on py36 and py37. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Include a user-agent header in SUSHI requests; issue 46. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Move some fixtures to conftest.py to get rid of shadowing warnings; some more unittest->pytest conversions. [Geoffrey Spear]

* (not sure this file is even useful at all... but now it's useless in pytest) [Geoffrey Spear]

* Test_helpers moved to pytest. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Remove a looped assert, and convert last use of unittest in this file. [Geoffrey Spear]

* More pytest. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Bump version for unreleased dev code. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Move some tests to pure-pytest; parameterize instead of having repeated code and multiple asserts per method... [Geoffrey Spear]

* Add dump flag to sushiclient to generate XML dumps. [Geoffrey Spear]



* New version of requests needs headers to all be strings; old version accepted int content-length. [Geoffrey Spear]

(Bump version for bugfix)

* One more try. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Pin flake8 too. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Pin flake8-import-order version to before 2.6 support was dropped. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Flake8: missing a single whitespace broke the build. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Openpyxl get_sheet_names and get_sheet_by_name were warning about deprecation; change to use new syntax to access this information. [Geoffrey Spear]

.gitignore some junk that pycharm creates

* Openpyxl get_sheet_names and get_sheet_by_name were warning about deprecation; change to use new syntax to access this information. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Merge pull request 44 from pitthsls/issue22. [Geoffrey Spear]


* Install coverage in test env (travis was warning about it not being there) [Geoffrey Spear]

* Add a pip cache on Travis. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Make tox use pytest; have travis use tox-travis. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Stop calling this an alpha since it's working well... [Geoffrey Spear]

* Style: format docstrings according to PEP 257 (verify with pydocstyle) [Geoffrey Spear]

* Some style corrections per pylint; a bit of test DRYing. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Document UnicodeReader, UnicodeWriter. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Bump version for dev; enable branch coverage measurement, switch to pytest as test runner on travis. [Geoffrey Spear]



* Wiley seems to be finicky about capitalization of at least the ID attibrute here... following SUSHIStarters' practice and sending with capitals. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Merge pull request 38 from withnale/provide_exceptions. [Geoffrey Spear]

Provide context when sushi exception is generated

* Provide context when sushi exception is generated. [Paul Rhodes]

* Merge pull request 40 from withnale/report_type_support. [Geoffrey Spear]

Added definitions to JR2,JR3,BR3 counter types

* Added definitions to JR2,JR3,BR3 counter types. [Paul Rhodes]

* Merge pull request 39 from withnale/avoid_none_column_errors. [Geoffrey Spear]

Ensure that the encode method doesn't fail if the cell value is None

* Ensure encode does not fail when cell value is None. [Paul Rhodes]

* Update RTD link for their new domain. [Geoffrey Spear]

* BR2: get section type from the report, instead of hardcoding "Chapter" on output... [Geoffrey Spear]

* Merge pull request 33 from chill17/dbsushicodequality. [Geoffrey Spear]

DB Sushi Code Quality

* Removed assertIn in tests for 2.6 compatability. [Ed Hill]

* Change sushi.py to work with DB_METRIC_MAP and configured tests for new output. [Ed Hill]

* Use DB_METRIC_MAP to map metric names from SUSHI to be consistent with the API. [Ed Hill]

* Make ensure_required_metrics work with METRICS and move sort out of method. [Ed Hill]

* Removed hardcoded DB metrics from report.py. [Ed Hill]

* Moved DB1 and DB2 metrics and mapping to constants.py. [Ed Hill]

* Document write_to_file and don't redefine format() builtin accidentally... [Geoffrey Spear]

* Flake8: missing whitespace. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Bump version, eliminate pylint unused variables complaints, prepare for more export formats. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Add module docstrings to the test suite. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Merge pull request 31 from chill17/addingdbtosushi. [Geoffrey Spear]

Add DB1 and DB2 report processing to SUSHI

* Replace set comprehension with generator expression for Py2.6. [Ed Hill]

* Fixed pyflakes formatting issues. [Ed Hill]

* Variable names more explicit and set() call removed from loop. [Ed Hill]

* Added tests and data files for DB reports through SUSHI. [Ed Hill]

TestConvertRawDatabase tests that all information is
correct and in the correct order for a DB report.
Utilizes sushi_simple_db1.xml which is in part based
on formatting from ProQuest SUSHI reports

TestRawDatabaseWithMissingData tests that, on output,
SUSHI data is correct and full even if zero-value fields
were not sent. January is missing data and there are no
records for 'record_view' in the data source. Utilizes
sushi_db1_missing_record_view.xml which is in part based
on formatting from EBSCO SUSHI reports.

* Add method to CounterReport to insert missing metrics. [Ed Hill]

SUSHI protocol does not guarantee fields with zero use
are in a report. If a field has no use for a given
period, it might not show up in the report at all.

If a report is a datbase report, check each database
to ensure it has all metrics and insert them with a 0
for the first month of the reporting period. After all
metrics have been established, sort them so they write
to file in the correct order (sort order will be
maintained after the subsequent title sort)

* Add method to CounterEresource to fill empty months. [Ed Hill]

SUSHI protocol does not require transmission of
fields with zero use. Ensures months with no data
are inserted with a 0, then sorted. Calls from
CounterDatabase.as_generic to accurately write as a
COUNTER compliant report.

* Convert SUSHI metric codes to COUNTER metric names. [Ed Hill]

Provide a mapping from SUSHI codes to COUNTER names
for DB reports. If parsing a pre-formatted COUNTER
report, it will fall back to whatever is already in
the report.

* Added support for DB reports to be collected through SUSHI. [Ed Hill]

DB reports are different because they have multiple metrics
on multiple lines, and SUSHI protocol provides limited
guarantees on how they will be formatted. Catch month values
in a dict with metrics as keys, then send each as a
CounterDatabase object

* Fix documentation a bit. [Geoffrey Spear]

* Giving up on pypy3 ever working (they're still using python 3.2, which we don't support anyway); removing expected failures since 3.6 is working now. [Geoffrey Spear]

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