**Improved Property Access for VideoReader**
- Added direct property access for video metadata.
- Users can now retrieve video properties directly instead of accessing `properties["key"]`.
- Example:
reader = VideoReader("test.mp4")
print(reader.width) Instead of video.properties["width"]
print(reader.fps) Instead of video.properties["fps"]
- **Available properties:**
`width, height, fps, min_fps, max_fps, duration, total_frames, pixel_format, has_audio, audio_bitrate, audio_channels, audio_sample_rate, audio_codec, bit_depth, aspect_ratio, codec`
**`__getitem__` Seeking Behavior Update**
- `__getitem__` now only accepts **seconds (float)** for seeking.
- Frame-based seeking (int) is currently **not supported** via `__getitem__`.
- Example usage:
reader = VideoReader("test.mp4")
frame = reader[2.5] Seeks to 2.5 seconds into the video