- `[ext.redis]` Unable To Set Redis Host
- [Issue 440](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/440)
- `[ext.argparse]` Empty Sub-Commands List
- [Issue 444](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/444)
- `[core.foundation]` Handler Override Options Do Not Honor Meta Defaults
- [Issue 513](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/513)
- `[core]` Add Docker / Docker Compose Support
- [Issue 439](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/439)
- `[core]` Add ability to override the output handler used when `app.render()` is called.
- [Issue 471](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/471)
- `[ext.print]` Add the Print Extension to be used as a drop in replacement for the standard ``print()``, but allowing the developer to honor framework features like `pre_render` and `post_render` hooks.
- `[ext.scrub]` Add Scrub Extension to easily obfuscate sensitive data from rendered output.
- [Issue 469](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/469)
- `[core]` Add ability to override config settings via environment variables.
- [Issue 437](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/437)
- `[ext.argparse]` Add ability to get list of exposed commands
- [Issue 455](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/455)
- `[core]` Add Template Interface
- [Issue 464](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/464)
- `[ext.mustache]` Add MustacheTemplateHandler
- `[ext.handlebars]` Add HandlebarsTemplateHandler
- `[ext.jinja2]` Add Jinja2TemplateHandler
- `[ext.generate]` Add Generate Extension
- [Issue 487](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/487)
- `[ext.logging]` Add `-l LEVEL` command line option to override log level
- [Issue 497](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/497)
- `[cli]` Add Cement CLI (includes ability to generate apps, plugins,
extensions, and scripts using the Generate Extension)
- [Issue 490](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/490)
- `[core]` Added clear separation between Interfaces and Handlers
- [Issue 506](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/506)
- `[utils.fs]` - Added several helpers include `fs.Tmp` for creation and cleanup of temporary directory and file.
- *Too many to reference*
- `[core]` Replace Interfaces with ABC Base Classes
- [Issue 192](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/192)
- `[core.foundation]` Rename `CementApp` to `App`.
- `[core.foundation]` Drop deprecated `App.Meta.override_arguments`
- `[core.foundation]` Remove `App.Meta.plugin_config_dir` and `App.Meta.plugin_config_dirs` in favor of `App.Meta.config_dirs`
- [Issue 521](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/521)
- `[core.founcation]` Rename `App.Meta.plugin_bootstrap` as `App.Meta.plugin_module`
- [Issue 523](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/523)
- `[core.handler]` Rename `CementBaseHandler` to `Handler`
- `[core.handler]` Drop deprecated backend globals
- `[core.hook]` Drop deprecated backend globals
- `[core.controller]` Drop `CementBaseController`
- `[ext.logging]` Drop deprecated `warn` facility (use `warning`)
- `[ext.argcomplete]` Drop ArgComplete Extension
- `[ext.reload_config]` Drop Reload Config Extension
- `[ext.configobj]` Drop ConfigObj Extension
- `[ext.json]` Disable `overridable` option by default
- `[ext.yaml]` Disable `overridable` option by default
- `[ext.json_configobj]` Drop JSON ConfigObj Extension
- `[ext.yaml_configobj]` Drop YAML ConfigObj Extension
- `[ext.handlebars]` Drop Handlebars Extension
- `[ext.genshi]` Drop Genshi Extension
- `[ext.argparse]` `ArgparseController.Meta.default_func` is now `_default`, and will print help info and exit. Can now set this to `None` as well to pass/exit.
- [Issue 426](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/426)
- `[ext.plugin]` All plugin configuration sections must start with `plugin.`.
For example, `[plugin.myplugin]`.
- `[core.foundation]` Renamed `App.Meta.config_extension` to `App.Meta.config_file_suffix`
- [Issue 445](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/445)
- `[core.foundation]` Drop `App.Meta.arguments_override_config`
- [Issue 493](https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/493)
- *Everything with deprecation notices in Cement < 3*