This release has some API changes. Here is a list of all changes in release:
Incompatible changes:
- (*Client).Close: changed from func(*Disconnect) error to func(*Disconnect) chan error
- (*Client).Handle: removed
- Config.ClientPresencePingInterval: removed
- NewClient: changed from func(context.Context, *Node, Transport) (*Client, error) to func(context.Context, *Node, Transport) (*TransportClient, CloseFunc, error)
- NodeEventHub.ClientRefresh: removed
- RefreshHandler: changed from func(context.Context, *Client, RefreshEvent) RefreshReply to func(RefreshEvent) RefreshReply
Compatible changes:
- (*ClientEventHub).Presence: added
- (*ClientEventHub).Refresh: added
- CloseFunc: added
- Config.ClientPresenceUpdateInterval: added
- ConnectReply.ClientSideRefresh: added
- PresenceEvent: added
- PresenceHandler: added
- PresenceReply: added
- RefreshEvent.Token: added
- RefreshReply.Disconnect: added
- TransportClient: added
Now let's try to highlight most notable changes and reasoning behind:
* `NewClient` returns `TransportClient` and `CloseFunc` to limit possible API on transport implementation level
* `ClientPresencePingInterval` config option renamed to `ClientPresenceUpdateInterval`
* Centrifuge now has `client.On().Presence` handler which will be called periodically while connection alive every `ClientPresenceUpdateInterval`
* `Client.Close` method now creates a goroutine internally - this was required to prevent deadlock when closing client from Presence and SubRefresh callback handlers.
* Refresh handler moved to `Client` scope instead of being `Node` event handler
* `ConnectReply` now has new `ClientSideRefresh` field which allows setting what kind of refresh mechanism should be used for a client: server-side refresh or client-side refresh.
* It's now possible to do client-side refresh with custom token implementation ([example](https://github.com/centrifugal/centrifuge/tree/master/_examples/custom_token))
* Library now uses one concurrent timer per each connection instead of 3 - should perform a bit better
All examples updated to reflect all changes here.