- Redirect to query form page when user lands on / endpoint
- Software version on query form page
- Database name and general stats on landing page
- Tooltips on query form explaining that coordinates are 0-based
- Clicking on number of datasets in query form expands dataset description window
- Codecov config file
- Push gunicorn server image to Docker Hub on new release event
- / endpoint redirects to info endpoint returning json beacon info
- Refactored HTML query form to be more user friendly
- Refactored query form page to better display dataset-specific results
- Refactored cli options and params to be compliant with the GNU coding standards
- Moved code checking parameters used to create a new dataset in a dedicated function under utils/
- Removed optional consent codes when creating a new dataset, as they are not required and complicate code
- Return dataset-specific info even if allele is not found
- Instructions on how to deploy the beacon with podman as a systemd service
- Updated Black version used in GitHub action's to 22.3.0, to fix linting error in CI due to new Click release
- Dataset version is saved as a string