Output of slackid and workspaceid when showing/generating init credentials
Re-factor permissions for better memeory usage
Update documentation
Split across accounts for dev/prod
Ensure Make uses correct AWS profile
Policy documentation
Adjust config files for seperate dev and prod AWS accounts
Ensure that username is set from slackid
Use yaml.safeloader for config files
Decode and add workspaceid into the output
Document slackmap table usage
Retire generic slack token and use a 'proper' auth token this will now show the app name as 'chaim' rather than 'slack API
Slack API tokens are now stored under the environment path as well as under the workspaceid
'identify' command now returns to slack quickly without any other checks
Ensure data is returned to the 'slack' user name not the 'chaim' user name
Chaim now has limited OAuth Scope in Slack
Client uses workspaceid if it is present
Add questions for slackid and workspaceid when initialising the client
Slack api token is now only obtained just before it is required - this fixes the client being unable to decode the output from
Further documentation updates.
author: chris.allisonhivehome.com
Use slackid as identifier rather than slack display name
author: anibal.capotortohivehome.com
Cognito cache
Parameter Store cache
both for warm lambdas (no caching when lambda is started from cold, obviously).
author: chris.allisonhivehome.com
added Ansible and Terraform support to the CCA client
author: chris.allisonhivehome.com
Fuzzy time display for credential/user token expiration times
repository started