
Latest version: v0.0.1

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This is a feature and bug-fix release. Upgrading is optional but recommended.

Unlike mandatory service releases, optional releases can be rolled back in case
of an issue with the release. Optional releases are therefore well suited for
early integration and testing of new chainweb-node versions.

To upgrade, pull the latest docker image or download the binary and restart the


* Improve performance of branch queries in some cases (1431)
* Make upper and lower bounds in branch APIs optional (1432)
* Make the payload API batch limit configurable on the service API.
Restrict the payload batch limit on the P2P API to 50 items. (1433)
* More robust block refill logic (1437)


This version replaces all previous versions. Any prior version will stop working
on **2022-04-21T00:00:00Z**. Node administrators must upgrade to this version
before that date.

This version will stop working on **2022-06-16T00:00:00Z**.

To upgrade, pull the latest docker image or download the binary and restart the node.


* Improve Mempool to fill blocks more efficiently (1399)

* Pact Changes (1382, 1396, 1397, 1399, 1407, 1409,1410, 1413, 1414, 1417):

* Gas changes for integer and decimal operations.
* `NaN` and `+/- Infinity` throw errors now.
* Several other nonsensical arithmetic expressions and operations throw
errors now.
* Support of nested Defpacts and native `continue`.
* New natives `create-principal` and `validate-principal`
* Add support for principals`r:`, `m:`, `u:`, `p:`, and `w:` in `coin`.
* Addition of `fungible-xchain-v1` interface, which provides a
`TRANSFER_XCHAIN` managed capability.
* Implement `fungible-xchain-v1` in `coin`.
* Miscellaneous bug fixes
* Various performance improvements, in particular for deeply nested
function calls.


This is a feature and bug-fix release. Upgrading is optional but recommended.

Unlike mandatory service releases, optional releases can be rolled back in case
of an issue with the release. Optional releases are therefore well suited for
early integration and testing of new chainweb-node versions.

To upgrade, pull the latest docker image or download the binary and restart the


* Restrict HTTP request body sizes for all API endpoints to 2MB. (1385)
* Periodically prune old cuts from the RocksDb database and store current cuts
less often. This saves up to 30% disk space. (1342, 1388)
* Set default P2P port to 1789. (1389)
* Add the telemetry/logger type to log messages. (1401)
* Add new optional endpoints `/make-backup` and `/check-backup` to the service
API. When enabled these endpoints can be used to trigger the creation of
backups of the chainweb-node databases. Further details can be found
in the [Chainweb API documentation]( (#1359, 1387)

Bug fixes:

* Remove spurious warning when the hostname is configured as ``. (1389)
* Fix typo in list of reserved IP addresses. (1398)


This version replaces all previous versions. Any prior version will stop working
on **2022-02-24T00:00:00Z**. Node administrators must upgrade to this version
before that date.

This version will stop working on **2022-04-21T00:00:00Z**.

To upgrade, pull the latest docker image or download the binary and restart the node.


* [Pact] Enforce miner keyset formats. (1314)
* [Pact] Fix Pact parser to always consume all input. (1358)
* [Pact] Improve gas cost calculations. (1361,1369)

* [Rosetta] Chainweb Rosetta API 2.0.0 (1145)

New Features
* Adds Construction API endpoints for Rosetta version 1.4.4 as defined
* For this version of the Rosetta Construction API , only transfer operations with k:accounts are

Backwards Incompatibility
* A Rosetta Operation's metadata no longer returns the Operation's "tx-id" or its
account's "total-balance". The Construction API declares intended
Operations and looks for these operations in blocks. There is no way for
the Construction API to know the "tx-id" and "total-balance" when
creating the intended operations.


This is a new feature and bug fix release for the `Chainweb Rosetta API 1.0.0`

To upgrade, pull the latest docker image or download the binary and restart the

[Rosetta] Bug Fixes
* After the fork to Pact 4.2.0, the rosetta /block and /account/balance
* endpoints returned `TxLogs not parsable`. This version fixes this.

[Rosetta] Backwards Incompatibility
* Adds related transaction (continuations) information to the /block
* Adds related operation information to /block endpoints. Gas operations are
now linked together, while coin-table operations are linked to each other in
the order they appear.
* Improved parsing of remediation logs for blocks containing coin v2 and 20
chain forking transactions. Previously, the logs in the coin v2 block were
all grouped together into a single request key, but now it will show the
different request keys of the remediation transactions.
* Re-enabled metadatas. Rosetta testing tooling used to error out when
submitting unstructured JSON. This bug has seen been fixed.

[Rosetta] Minor Improvments
* Introduces the `rosettaImplementationVersion` value to denote changes in the
internal implementation of the Rosetta API.
* Adds internal metadata data types to facilitate documenting and expanding
the metadatas used by the Rosetta endpoints.


This is a bug fix release. Upgrading is highly encouraged. In particular, if you
experience issues with chainweb-node version 2.12, upgrading to version 2.12.1
will likely resolve those issues.

To upgrade, pull the latest docker image or download the binary and restart the

This version will expire on 2022-02-24T00:00:00Z.


* Correct mempool tx persistence, check tx details in validate (1348)

* Remove deprecated configuration options (1345)

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