This version replaces all previous versions. Any prior version will stop working
on **2022-04-21T00:00:00Z**. Node administrators must upgrade to this version
before that date.
This version will stop working on **2022-06-16T00:00:00Z**.
To upgrade, pull the latest docker image or download the binary and restart the node.
* Improve Mempool to fill blocks more efficiently (1399)
* Pact Changes (1382, 1396, 1397, 1399, 1407, 1409,1410, 1413, 1414, 1417):
* Gas changes for integer and decimal operations.
* `NaN` and `+/- Infinity` throw errors now.
* Several other nonsensical arithmetic expressions and operations throw
errors now.
* Support of nested Defpacts and native `continue`.
* New natives `create-principal` and `validate-principal`
* Add support for principals`r:`, `m:`, `u:`, `p:`, and `w:` in `coin`.
* Addition of `fungible-xchain-v1` interface, which provides a
`TRANSFER_XCHAIN` managed capability.
* Implement `fungible-xchain-v1` in `coin`.
* Miscellaneous bug fixes
* Various performance improvements, in particular for deeply nested
function calls.