* Remove team member from team * Upgrade synapseclient used * Retrieve number of members given team name / id. * Move functions to team module
* Support for synapseclient<2.1.0 is no longer available. 186, 187 * Add Synapse `Thread` and `Reply` module. 168 * Rename command line client functions to have dashes in-between words (e.g. `challengeutils create-challenge`). This is a breaking change, but is done to standardize the command line client commands. fixes 144 * `validate_project` now returns errors that are `str` type instead of `list` * Add `validate-docker` function. 50
* Add `archive-project`, `validate-project`, `delete-submission` commands. 179 , 50 * updating submission annotations will also annotate with synapse style annotations to support submission view annotations
* 167 Remove invite member to team * 132 Copy thread should also copy replies * 172 do not use `Challenge` class to instantiate the `json` that needs to be passed into `restPOST` or `restPUT` * Add automation of code coverage in github action * Refactor mirrorwiki 142, 13, 14 * Improve documentation