
Latest version: v1.1

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This is a bugfix and documentation release:

* Added core API to docs, and more details regarding installation and running

* Fixed reduction to Future failing when contributing numeric arrays

* Charm4py now requires Charm++ version >= ``6.8.2-890`` which, among other things,
includes fixes for the following Windows issues:

- Running an application without ``charmrun`` on Windows would crash

- Abort messages were sometimes not displayed on exit. On Charm4py,
this had the effect that Python runtime errors were sometimes not shown.

- If running with charmrun, any output prior to charm.start()
would not be shown. On Charm4py, this had the effect that Python
syntax errors were not shown.



**Installation and Setup**

* Charm4py can be installed with pip (``pip install charm4py``) on regular
Linux, macOS and Windows systems

* Support setuptools to build, install, and package Charm4py

* Installation from source is much simpler (see documentation)

* charm4py builds include the charm++ library and are relocatable. ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` or
similar schemes are no longer needed.

* charm4py does not need a configuration file anymore (it will automatically
select the best available interface layer at runtime).

**API Changes**

* Start API is now ``charm.start(entry)``, where ``entry`` can be a regular
Python function, or any chare type. Special Mainchare class is no longer needed.


* Added Cython-based C-extension module to considerably speed up the interface with
the Charm++ library and critical parts of charm4py (currently only with Python 3+).

* Several minor performance improvements


* *Threaded entry methods*: entry methods can run in their own thread when tagged
with the ``threaded`` decorator. This enables `direct style programming`__ with
asynchronous remote method execution (also see Futures):

- The entry point (main function or chare) is automatically threaded by default

- Added ``charm.awaitCreation(*proxies)`` to wait for Group and Array creation
within the threaded entry method that created them

- Added ``self.wait('condition')`` construct to suspend entry method execution until a condition is

* *Futures*

- Remote method invocations can optionally return futures with the ``ret``
keyword: ``future = proxy.method(ret=True)``. Also works for broadcasts.
- A future can be queried to obtain the value with ``future.get()``. This will
block if the value has not yet been received.
- Futures can be explicitly created using ``future = charm.createFuture()``,
and passed to other chares. Chares can send values to the future by calling
- Futures can be used as reduction targets

* Simplified ``when`` decorator syntax and enhanced to support general conditions
involving a chare's state and remote method arguments. New syntax is ``when('condition')``.

* Can now pass arguments to chare constructors

* Can create singleton chares. Syntax is ``proxy = Chare(MyChare, pe)``

* ArrayMap: to customize initial mapping of chares to cores

* Warn if user forgot to call ``charm.start()`` when launching charm4py programs

* Exposed ``migrateMe(toPe)`` method of chares to manually migrate a chare to indicated

* Exposed `LBTurnInstrumentOn/Off`__ from Charm++ to charm4py applications

* Interface to construct topology-aware trees of nodes/PEs

**Bug Fixes**

* Fixed issues related to migration of chares


* Updated documentation and tutorial to reflect changes in installation, setup,
addition of Futures and API changes

* Added leanmd results to benchmarks section

**Examples and Tests**

* Improved performance of ````, and added better benchmarking support
* Added parallel map example (``examples/parallel-map/``)
* Improved output and scaling of several tests when launched with many (> 100)
* Cleaned, updated, simplified several tests and examples by using futures


* Fixed issues which resulted in inaccurate timings in some circumstances
* Profiling of chare constructors (including main chare and chares that
are migrating in) is now supported


* Code has been structured as a Python package

* Heavy code refactoring. Code simplification in several places

* Several improvements towards PEP 8 compliance of core charm4py code.
Indentation of code in ``charm4py`` package is PEP 8 compliant.

* Improvements to test infrastructure and added Travis CI script

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* Charm4py is compatible with Python 3 (Python 3 is the recommended option)

* Added documentation (

**API Changes**

* New API to create chares and collections:
all chare types are defined by inheriting from Chare.
To create a group: ``group_proxy = Group(MyChare)``.
To create an array: ``array_proxy = Array(MyChare, ...)``.

* Simplified program start API with automatic registration of chares


* Bypass pickling of common array types (most notably numpy arrays) by directly
copying contents of their buffer into messages. This can result in substantial
performance improvement.

* Added optional CFFI-based layer to access Charm++ library, that is faster than
existing ctypes layer.

* The ``LOCAL_MSG_OPTIM`` option (True by default) avoids copying and serializing
messages that are directed to an object in the same process. Works for all chare


* Support reductions over chare arrays/groups, including defining custom reducers.
Numpy arrays and numbers can be passed as data and will be efficiently reduced.
Added "gather" reducer.

* Support dynamic insertion into chare arrays

* Allow using int as index of 1D chare array

* ``element_proxy = proxy[index]`` syntax now returns a new independent proxy object to
an individual element

* Added ``when('attrib_name')`` decorator to entry methods so that they are invoked
only when the first argument matches the value of the specified chare's attribute

* Added methods ``charm.myPe()``, ``charm.numPes()``, ``charm.exit()`` and
``charm.abort()`` as alternatives to CkMyPe, CkNumPes, CkExit and CkAbort


* Improved profiling output. Profiling is disabled by default.

* Improved general error handling and output. Errors in charm4py runtime raise
``Charm4PyError`` exception.

* Code Examples:

- Updated stencil3d examples to use the ``when`` construct

- Added particle example (uses the ``when`` construct)

- Add total iterations as program parameter for wave2d

* Added ```` script to test charm4py

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