+ provide help url when plugin init failed lanvent + intergrate itchat to lib and fix timeout bug lanvent
+ docker: use environment vars to set parameters lanvent
+ support azure chatgpt and railway depoly fangpin + available settings declare and code optimization lanvent + config parse bug in docker deploy
* support plugins: multi-role, dungeon game, god cmd, stable diffusion lanvent * itchat run time management a5225662 * docker build optimization lihuaiyu0131 * request qrscan when hotreload failed lanvent
+ docker support voice reply limccn + add openai api base B1gM8c + wechaty voice Chiaki-Chan + clear_memory and temperature config lichengzhe + rate limit token bucket goldfishh + skip expired msg from hot reload lichengzhe + reformat wokii + modify config file path a5225662
+ support group chat in one session (by Bachery in 382 ) + support voice recognition (by wanggang1987 in 385 ) + docker image support proxy ( by limccn in 386 ) + fix a minor typo (by goldfishh in 395 )