Bug Fixes
- Update Dockerfile to use alpine-based image and improve dependency management
Build System
- Update Dockerfile and docker-entrypoint.sh
Update the Dockerfile to install tini and update the entrypoint script to use tini as the
- Remove unnecessary whitespace in test_config_manager.py
- Update uv.lock
- Update uv.lock and dependencies
Update the required version of `uv` to `0.4.19` and other dependencies to their latest versions.
- Add signal handling to gracefully stop Chaturbate Poller
This commit adds signal handling to the Chaturbate Poller application, allowing it to gracefully
stop when receiving a signal. It creates an asyncio event loop, sets up a signal handler, and
waits for a stop signal to be received before closing the event loop. This ensures that the
application can be stopped cleanly without interrupting any ongoing tasks.
- Remove redundant build and continuous deployment workflows
* refactor: remove redundant build and continuous deployment workflows
* refactor: update CI/CD workflow to fetch full commit history
- Update CI/CD workflow badge link in README.md
- Update CI/CD workflow dependencies in ci-cd-build.yml
- Update Dockerfile entrypoint
- Update Dockerfile to install uv and dependencies
* refactor: update Dockerfile to install uv and dependencies
- Updated the Dockerfile to include a new stage for installing uv and its dependencies. - Set the
working directory and copied the project files into the image. - Modified the uv sync command to
exclude dev dependencies. - Prepared the final runtime image with the virtual environment from the
builder stage. - Set the docker-entrypoint.sh script as executable and copied it into the image. -
Set environment variables for the virtual environment. - Updated the default entrypoint. - Updated
* refactor: raise ValueError with error message when CB_USERNAME and CB_TOKEN are not provided
* refactor: add signal handling to gracefully stop Chaturbate Poller
- Updated the `SignalHandler` class in `signal_handler.py` to include signal handling for gracefully
stopping the Chaturbate Poller. - Added a check in the `handle_signal` method to only create a
shutdown task if the `stop_future` is not done. - Removed the unnecessary `run_until_complete`
call in the `handle_signal` method when the `stop_future` is already done.