
Latest version: v2.12.3

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version-1.3.0 (12:01AM 7/10/2022)
- 19th release
Major Changes: All the bugs has been solved
Note: I recommend to Download version-1.3.0 or above

version-1.3.1 (6:37 PM 7/12/2022)
- 20th release
New Features: MinMax and Count function added

version-1.4.0 (12:31 AM 7/14/2022)
- 21st release
New Features: Stack class

version-1.5.0 (3:57 PM 7/29/2022)
- 22nd release
New Features: Pressure,Time and Angle Conversion as well as Binding energy.

version-1.5.1 (11:54 PM 7/30/2022)
- 23rd release
New Features: Difference in lists

Note (1:17 AM 7/31/2022)
version-1.5.2 have some bugs we won't recommend you to download this version

version-1.5.3 (9:37 PM 7/31/2022)
- 25th release
Changes: Add,Multiply are Division are bug free

version-1.5.4 (12:13 AM 8/4/2022)
- 26th release
Changes: Improvements in Statistics

version-1.6.0 (12:07 AM 8/7/2022)
- 27th release
New Features: Load Datasets

version-1.6.1 (12:39 AM 8/8/2022)
- 28th release
Minor Changes: Handle the exceptional error in Load Datasets

version-1.6.2 (12:56 AM 8/9/2022)
- 29th release
Changes: MeanError function is added in Statistics

version-1.6.3 (12:40 AM 8/12/2022)
- 30th release
Changes: Some new Datasets were added and some Improvements in Statistics
1. cwg_players_participated.csv
2. cwg_players_won_medal.csv
3. employees_info.csv

version-1.7.0 (11:32 PM 8/14/2022)
- 31st release
Changes: Improvements and stability

version-1.7.1 (11:50 PM 8/15/2022)
- 32nd release
Changes: new function called CostFunction were added

version-1.8.0 (11:50 PM 8/16/2022)
- 33rd release
Changes: Stability

version-1.9.0 (10:55 PM 8/19/2022)
- 34th release
Major Changes: class Algorithm added
1. Prime
2. Length (array/list)
3. Sort (sorting of array/list)

version-1.9.1 (6:53 PM 8/20/2022)
- 35th release
Changes: 1. New Datasets winequality-red.csv
2. Improvements in Statistics.Accuracy

NOTE: version-2.0.0 is unavailable due to some major issues

version-2.0.1 (10:03 PM 8/21/2022)
- 36th release
Major Changes: 1. fixed issues in Statistics
2. Stability

version-2.1.0 (7:36 PM 8/28/2022)
- 37th release
Changes: HashList new concept

version-2.1.1 (8:01 PM 9/1/2022)
- 38th release
Changes: New Datasets
1. google.csv
2. meta.csv
3. apple.csv
4. microsoft.csv
5. tesla.csv
6. colgate.csv
7. amazon.csv
8. netflix.csv

version-2.1.2 (5:34 PM 9/2/2022)
- 39th release
Modification: Statistics.RunningMean is now Statistics.MovingAvg

version-2.2.0 (9:38 AM 9/12/2022)
- 40th release
Major Changes: 1. trumiles.csv were added
2. Graphs are introduce to plotting by using matplotlib library

version-2.2.1 (11:55 AM 9/24/2022)
- 41st release
New Feature: Random Sampling of data and list/array in Statistics class

version-2.2.2 (10:56 PM 10/3/2022)
- 42nd release
Minor Changes: Change the way of calling the function in PeriodicTable class
1. PeriodicTable.spdf() -> PeriodicTable.SPDF()
2. PeriodicTable.element() -> PeriodicTable.Element()
3. PeriodicTable.table() -> PeriodicTable.Table()
4. PeriodicTable.symbol() -> PeriodicTable.Symbol()
5. PeriodicTable.atomic_number() -> PeriodicTable.AtomicNumber()

version-2.2.3 (10:12 PM 10/7/2022)
- 43rd release
Minor Changes: duplicates() function now have a class called Algorithm.Duplicates()

version-2.3.0 (10:10 AM 10/8/2022)
-44th release
Changes: Modification in a class called LogicGates

version-2.4.0 (8:31 PM 10/12/2022)
-45th release
Changes: Root Mean Squared Error is added in Statistics class called by Statistics.RootMeanSquaredError()

version-2.4.1 (10:42 PM 10/30/2022)
-46th release
Minor Changes: minor changes in class LogicGates!

version-2.5.0 (8:11 PM 11/13/2022)
-47th release
Major Changes: Bits class is added and introduce the new constant 'nan'

version-2.5.1 (8:27 PM 11/15/2022)
-48th release
Minor Changes: In Bits class function Bits will be call as flipBits

version-2.5.2 (8:01 PM 11/23/2022)
-49th release
Changes: XOR,bin2um and num2bin functions are added in Bits class

version-2.5.3 (4:34 PM 12/4/2022)
-50th release [NOTE v-2.5.2 there was an error Bits.bin2num function which were fixed in this version(v-2.5.3)]
Major Changes: 1. An error were fixed in Bits.bin2num function which were occured on previous(v-2.5.2) version
2. bitwise shift operator functions were added in Bits class
3. flipbits is now flipBits
4. bitwiseComplement were added in class called Bits

version-2.5.4 (6:41 PM 12/5/2022) [Useless]
-51st release
Minor Chenages: small changes

version-2.5.5 (12:12 PM 12/11/2022)
-52nd release
Major Update: bug were occured in v-2.5.4 and it has been fixed in this version(v-2.5.5)
error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell1>", line 1, in <module>
import chemaphy
File "C:\Users\a\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\chemaphy\", line 85, in <module>
gPluto = Constant()
TypeError: Constant.__init__() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'value', 'units', and 'info'

version-2.5.6 (9:37 PM 12/14/2022)
-53rd release
Update: more Constant were added
example: lakh,tenLakh,crore and tenCrore

version-2.5.7 (6:48 PM 12/15/2022)
-54th release
Update: More Stability

version-2.6.0 (8:04 PM 1/6/2023)
-55th release
Update: New classes has been created called Bool,Mathematics and Calculus

version-2.6.1 (1:03 AM 1/10/2023)
-56th release
Update: LogarithimFunction will be known as LogFunction

version-2.6.2 (12:10 AM 2/4/2023)
-57th release
Minor Update: answer will be 6digits long after the decimal

version-2.7.0 (10:47 PM 2/5/2023)
-58th release
Update: confusion-matrix were added in class called Statistics

version-2.7.1 (7:02 PM 2/6/2023)
-59th release
Warning: Useless version

version-2.7.2 (7:26 PM 2/6/2023)
-60th release
Update: problem has been fixed in this version

version-2.8.0 (6:01 PM 2/17/2023)
-61st release
Update: new avatar and few modification in vector class

version-2.8.1 (2:47 PM 2/19/2023)
-62nd release
Update: modifications and more stability

version-2.8.2 is useless

version-2.8.3 (8:26 PM 3/26/2023)
-64th release
Update: exponential moving average

version-2.9.0 (12:11 AM 4/2/2023)
-65th release
Update: Sorting Algorithm are added + changes in factorial function + fibonacci series

version-2.10.0 (8:54 PM 4/2/2023)
-66th release
Update: Sets updated

version-2.11.0 (2:47 PM 4/3/2023)
-67th release
Update: Searching algorithm (linear and binary)

version-2.12.0 (6:29 PM 4/6/2023)
-68th release
Update: insertion_sort + swaping two variable

version-2.12.1 (12:48 AM 4/8/2023)
-(68+1)th release
Update: Optimized LoadData class

version-2.12.2 (9:37 PM 4/8/2023)
-70th release
Update: boltzmann constant and avogradro number were added
find unique values from an array using Algo.unique(array)
sorting an array of strings

version-2.12.3 (7:09 PM 4/9/2023)
-71st release
Update: Optimized: percentile(), quartile() and iqr() functions



Has known vulnerabilities

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