
Latest version: v0.1.5

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__What's new? 🎉🎉__
- PointScaler: Scale your spectra by the intensity value given at a certain index or wavenumber! This substitutes the old IndexScaler, as it extends its functionality
- SelectFeautes: An advanced feature selector compare to Range Cut. It allows you to choose any range of indices or wavenumbers (continuous or discontinuous) and select the features

__Improvements ✨✨__

__Bug fixes 🐛🐛__


__What's new? 🎉🎉__
- MinMaxScaler: change functionality, not it will subtract the min and divide by the difference between the min and the max. If the parameter use_min is False, then it will just divide by the max.

__Improvements ✨✨__

__Bug fixes 🐛🐛__


__What's new? 🎉🎉__

__Improvements ✨✨__

__Bug fixes 🐛🐛__
- RangeCut now has a different input order: start, end and wavenumber (optional). Optional inputs are defined at the end. start and end index are found after fitting the method and not upon instantiation. This is because in scikitlearn, instanciation attributes cannot be modified.

- ConstantCorrection: Same changes as RangeCut


__What's new? 🎉🎉__

- Add extended multiplicative scatter correction
- Add Robust Normal variate!

__Improvements ✨✨__

__Bug fixes 🐛🐛__


__What's new? 🎉🎉__

- Add docstrings in all available methods

__Improvements ✨✨__

__Bug fixes 🐛🐛__


__What's new? 🎉🎉__

__Improvements ✨✨__

- Increase performance of ArPls() by a factor of x40

__Bug fixes 🐛🐛__

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