* Issue :issue:`1411`: Fix issue where autoreload fails when the host interpreter for CherryPy was launched using ``python -m``.
* Combined wsgiserver2 and wsgiserver3 modules into a single module, ``cherrypy.wsgiserver``.
* Issue :pr:`1445`: Correct additional typos.
* Issue :issue:`1444`: Correct typos in ``cherrypy.expose`` decorators.
* Setuptools is now required to build CherryPy. Pure distutils installs are no longer supported. This change allows CherryPy to depend on other packages and re-use code from them. It's still possible to install pre-built CherryPy packages (wheels) using pip without Setuptools. * `six <https://pypi.io/project/six>`_ is now a requirement and subsequent requirements will be declared in the project metadata. * :issue:`1440`: Back out changes from :pr:`1432` attempting to fix redirects with Unicode URLs, as it also had the unintended consequence of causing the 'Location' to be ``bytes`` on Python 3. * ``cherrypy.expose`` now works on classes. * ``cherrypy.config`` decorator is now used throughout the code internally.