- Corrected bug when `-h` parameter was provided for allele call. - New option for the schema creation. A schema can be created based on a single fasta file, skipping the gene prediction step. Use `--CDS` and provide a single FASTA file to the `-i` parameter.
- cgMLST profile extraction function (ExtractCgMLST) more efficient (thanks Dillon Barker). - New option for the allele call, size threshold previously hardcoded at 0.2 can now be changed using the `--st` option. Size threshold is important for the definition of ASM and ALM (alleles smaller/larger than mode).
- Blast results during allele call are not saved as a file, instead are piped directly for processing. - New option for the allele call, if genome fasta input is already a fasta of CDS use the `--CDS` option.
- Corrected bug that prevented usage of latest blast version (>=2.7.0). - Version flag can now be used `--version`. - Instead of calling the main script `chewBBACA.py` you can now use `chewie` (if installed trought pip).
- AlleleCall: `-i` parameter accepts a single fasta file now.