
Latest version: v0.1.88

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It is the latest version compatible with Python 3.6. See for more details.



* Add support for static_broadcasted_argnums to fake_pmap;
* Allows sets of alternatives and ellipsis in assert_shape;
* Format variant test names to use only underscores and lowercase letters;
* Fix incorrect type annotation in;
* Fix dataclass (un-)flatten functions;
* Add more tests for dataclasses;
* Raise ValueError when no variants are selected;
* Exclude chex' internal frames from AssertionError tracebacks;
* Add '[Chex] ' prefix to AssertionError messages;
* Include path to leaves that failed the equality check in `assert_tree_all_close`;
* Clean up;
* Asserts which only make sense on >1 tree now demand this (can result in breakages in the existing code).


- Add is\_divisible assertion. [\49]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Create py.typed [\46]( ([graingert](
- Remove "\ Lint as: python3" directives. [\45]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Pass arguments to jax.jit other than the function as kwargs instead of positional arguments. [\43]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- \[JAX\] Use a hand-written Python wrapper for CompiledFunction. [\42]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Ensure LICENSE files are an exact copy of Apache LICENSE-2.0.txt \[0\]. [\41]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Fix assert\_max\_traces usage checks. [\40]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Fix tree path formatting. [\39]( ([copybara-service[bot]](

\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*



[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Define to include requirements.txt in pypi bundle. Increment the version. [\38]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Fix PACKAGE\_VER in pypi-publish.yml [\36]( ([copybara-service[bot]](

\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*



*Note: this is a first GitHub release of Chex. It includes all changes since the repo was created.*

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Chex dataclass throws an exception in Python 3.9 [\10](
- 'jax.interpreters.xla' has no attribute '\_DeviceArray' for jax \<= 0.2.5 [\9](
- Chex dataclass defaulting mappable\_dataclass=True [\8](
- DeprecationWarning for importing toolz [\4](
- Fake contexts by calling .start\(\) not working [\3](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add PyPI release workflow and increment the version. [\35]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add .pylintrc and run pylint checks in CI workflow. [\34]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Fix typo [\33]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- \[JAX\] Change Chex variants\_test to use jnp.DeviceArray for isinstance\(\) tests. [\32]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Fix chex typing annotations [\31]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Parallelize pytest runs. [\29]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Fix assert\_max\_traces usage checks. [\28]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Customize processing of `None`s in tree asserts and add `assert_tree_no_nones`. [\27]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add option to fake pmap with vmap while still jitting the result. [\25]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Raise informative error for negative axes when asserting axis dimension. [\24]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Expose XLA device types in pytypes. [\23]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add `assert_tree_shape_prefix` assertion. [\21]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add a safeguard to to ensure correct package installation. [\20]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Disable testing against macos-latest to speed up CI. [\19]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Do not parse abseil flags to avoid side effects. [\18]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Update version. [\17]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Run tests under Python 3.9 [\16]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Correct and clarify docstring for `assert_equal_shape_suffix`. [\14]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Use type\(\) instead of \_\_class\_\_ in dataclass\ [\13]( ([hbq1](
- Include CI status badge in [\12]( ([copybara-service[bot]](
- Add ability to check shapes with wildcards [\5]( ([KristianHolsheimer](
- Add pytypes. [\2]( ([hbq1](
- fix 404 link for Dataclass module header [\1]( ([kykosic](

\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*

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