- Thanks to bhorvitz for major help debugging a performance issue during coin DB lookup
- Fix TX amount calculation in trade manager (fixes 16842)
- Subscribe to DIDs that come into wallet (fixes 17242)
- Remove duplicate short option from make_offer command (fixes 17371)
- add `SerializedProgram.to()` to simplify some code
- include information for `setuptools_scm` in git archives
- fix type mismatch with `Optional[bytes]` and `bytes` in `wallet/conditions.py`
- fixed typo in `get_coin_record_by_name` docstring (thanks Abakrombie)
- Fixed readme links (thanks Abakrombie)
- DL: Don't allow mirrors with empty urls (fixes 16920)
- DL: Improve input for CLI `add_missing_files` (fixes 17039)
- DL: Use unsubscribe queue to relax subscriptions lock
- DL: Use Datalayer banning logic for HTTP download failures
- extend the mempool tests for timelocks, and improve error codes
- extend measured sizes for plot check with value for larger K sizes (thanks neurosis69)
- Add a few missing type annotations
- Log string header_hash on long validation warnings
- Fix sorted for dictionary keys of both bytes/xch
- Fixed an issue where `chia wallet did transfer` command mistreats the type of `fee`
- Fix signage point message for remote harvesters with large numbers of pools
- undo BlockRecord cache insert, when DB fails
- Warn if running `install-plotter.sh` as root
- Support for third-party, farmer-rewarded, Harvesters (Chip-22)
- Singleton fast forward
- Verify p2 delegated conditions signatures and add a new SigningMode for Tangem cards (thanks MarvinQuevedo)
- DL: add upsert action
- DL: Add support for generating and verifying DataLayer Proofs of Inclusions `get_proof` and `verify_proof`
- Improve transparency of what full nodes are doing and where they spend their time with additional Mempool logging
- add feature to profile just the block validation
- Add `--override` flag to `make_offer`
- Add full node RPC `get_aggsig_additional_data` to get the aggsig additional data
- Add fork height & rolled_back_records to block event for metrics
- extend Block validation timing logs to measure just the CLVM and conditions
- Add support for defining a list of full node peers to connect to (thanks felixbrucker)
- Add preliminary support for getting coin states in batches
- improve mempool reorg logic when the peak is a non-transaction block
- Add `additions` and `removals` to `get_offer_summary` API response (thanks mikehw)
- improve handling of `UnfinishedBlock`s
- Add testnet11 constants to config if missing when configuring to run on testnet
- We have added several new translations in this release. Thanks to WNFT, advlive, hezoushe
- reorg optimizations
- bump `chia_rs` to `0.4.1`
- initiate phasing out of the `coin_solutions` name in JSON structs
- slight simplification to `get_min_fee_rate()`
- Remove `coin_solutions` from `SpendBundle` entirely
- use rust types for `VDFInfo`, `VDFProof` and `ClassgroupElement`
- evict entries continuously from `seen_unfinished_blocks`
- move `tools/legacy_keyring.py` to `chia/legacy/keyring.py`
- Rust `proof-of-space`, `reward chain` and `foliage` types
- DL: Compress `get_keys_values` output by hash.
- replace hardcoded value for `db_readers` (thanks neurosis69)
- use rust types for `slots`, `SubEpochSummary` and `SubEpochData`
- Update default testnet to testnet11
- remove old work-around for a bug in version `1.1.4` and earlier
- use rust implementation of `SerializedProgram`
- Rework block fill logic to fill blocks with more SpendBundles (transactions)
- fix typo in logging
- increase farmer block fill rate to 60%
- Force the use of `coin_puzzle_hash` index to `get_unspent_lineage_info_for_puzzle_hash`