The [XOA Chimera Core]( is a Python library that provides a user-friendly and powerful interface for automating network impairment emulation tasks using Xena Networks Emulator, [Chimera](
The XOA Chimera Core is designed to be easy to use and integrate with other automation tools and frameworks. It provides a comprehensive set of methods and classes for interacting with Chimera, including the ability to create and run complex impairment scenarios.
The XOA Chimera Core simplifies the process of automating network impairment emulation tasks. It provides a simple, yet powerful, interface for interacting with Chimera using the Python programming language. With the XOA Chimera Core, testing professionals can easily create and execute network impairment scenarios, analyze traffic, and perform detailed analysis of 5G ORAN, all while leveraging the power and flexibility of the Python programming language.
Overall, the XOA Chimera Core is a valuable tool for anyone looking to automate their network emulation tasks using Xena Chimera. With its simple, yet powerful, interface and support for the Python programming language, the XOA Chimera Core provides a set of flexible and extensible APIs for automating network emulation and improving the quality of network infrastructure.
**Full Changelog**: