
Latest version: v1.4.0

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- Enable the rust condition checker unconditionally in testnet.
- Added support for multiple wallets.
- Added a change to config.yaml to tolerate fields that replace network constants in config.yaml that don't exist, but print warning.
- Improvements to sync full nodes faster by improving the concurrency for downloading and validating blocks.
- Added new call for logging peer_host: get_peer_logging that will use the peer_host value, typically an IP address, when the peername cannot be retrieved.
- Added documentation for treehash params.
- Added a py.typed file that allows other projects that pip install chinilla-blockchain to type check using our functions with mypy.
- Added an RPC for coin records by multiple coin names.
- Enabled querying AAAA records for DNS Introducer.
- We now set the version for the GUI when doing a manual install using the script. Uses a python helper to get the version of the chinilla install and then converts it into proper npm format and puts that into package.json.
- Added some new class methods to the Program objects to improve ease of use.
- Added an option to sign bytes as well as UTF-8 strings, which is particularly helpful if you're writing Chinillalisp puzzles that require signatures and you want to test them without necessarily writing a whole python script for signing the relevant data.
- Added a first version of .pre-commit-config.yaml and applied the changes required by the following initial hooks in separate commits. To use this you need to install pre-commit, see <>.
- We have added many new translations in this release based on community
submissions. Thanks to RuiZhe for Chinese, Traditional; HansCZ for Czech;
LUXDAD for English, Australia; f00b4r for Finnish; jimkoen, ruvado for German; Arielzikri for Hebrew; A-Caccese for Italian; Hodokami for Japanese; LUXDAD for Latvian; vaexperience for Lithuanian; LUXDAD for Russian; juands1644 for Spanish, Argentina; MrDyngrak, ordtrogen for Swedish; richeyphu for Thai; Ansugo, baturman for Turkish.


- Thanks altendky for Correct * to ** kwargs unpacking in time_out_assert().
- Thanks altendky for changing the default to paginate to chinilla wallet get_transactions to address cases such as piping and output redirection to a file where the command previously just hung while waiting for the user to press c for the next page.
- Removed commented-out debug breakpoints.
- Enabled Rust condition checker to add the ability to parse the output conditions from a generator program in Rust. It also validates some of the conditions in Rust.
- Switched IP address lookup to first use Chinilla's service
- Made changes so that when creating SSL certificate and private key files, we ensure that files are written with the proper file permissions.
- Define a new encrypted keyring format to be used to store keys, and which is optionally encrypted to a user-supplied passphrase. GUI for the passphrase will come in an upcoming release.
- Removed initial transaction freeze put in place at vanillanet launch as it is no longer necessary.
- Separate locking and non-locking cases for get_confirmed_balance_for_wallet, which will allow calling a few wallet_state_manager methods while already under the wallet_state_manager lock, for example during DID wallet creation.
- Thanks to Playwo for removing the index on coin_record spent column to speed up querying.
- Made a change to the conditions parser to either ignore or fail when it encounters unknown conditions. It also removes the UNKNOWN enum value from ConditionOpcodes.
- Renamed folder tests/core/types to tests/core/custom_types to address conflicts in debugger in PyCharm.
- Disabled DID wallet tests while DID wallet is under construction.
- Added pairing cache for faster aggregate signature verification.
- Added block height assertions after block farming.
- Added assertions for tx confirmation.


- Fix single coin generator.
- Fixed an issue with duplicate plotnft names.
- Fixed an issue during node shutdown in which some AttributeErrors could be thrown if the shutdown happens before the node fully started up.
- Fixed mempool TX cache cost, where the cost of the mempool TX cache (for spend bundles that can't be included in a block yet) would not be reset when the cache was emptied.
- Fixed a failure to create a keychain_proxy for local keychains.
- Thanks to mgraczyk for fixing type annotation in sync_store.
- Thanks to darkverbito for fixing an issue on initial creation of a coloured coin where code always falls into default else clause due to lack of type conversion.
- Fixed NPM publish in clvm_rs.
- Thanks to skweee for his investigation work on fixing mempool TX cache cost, where the cost of the mempool TX cache (for spend bundles that can't be included in a block yet) would not be reset when the cache was emptied.



- Added ability to change payout instructions in the GUI.
- Added an option to revert to sequential read. There are some systems (primarily macos+exfat) where the parallel read features results in very long lookup times. This addition makes the parallel feature the default, but adds the ability to disable it and revert back to sequential reads.
- Added backwards compatibility for Coin Solutions in push_tx since renaming it to CoinSpend.
- Added an option to set the default constants on the simulator.
- Added a warning to user to not send money to the pool contract address.
- Added capability to enable use of a backup key in future, to claim funds that were sent to p2_singleton_puzzle_hash, which today are just ignored.
- Thanks aarcro for adding timing metrics to plot check.
- Thanks chadwick2143 for adding the ability to set the port to use for the harvester.
- Added more friendly error reporting for peername errors.
- We have added many new translations in this release. Thanks to L3Sota, hodokami and L3Sota for Japanese; danielrangel6, memph1x and dvd101x for Spanish (Mexico); fsavaget, semnosao and ygalvao for Portuguese (Brazilian); juands1644 for Spanish (Argentina); darkflare for Portuguese; wong8888, RuiZhe, LM_MA, ezio20121225, GRIP123, 11221206 and nicko1122 for Chinese Traditional; atomsymbol for Slovak; SirGeoff and rolandfarkasCOM for Hungarian; ordtrogen for Swedish; HansCZ and kafkic for Czech; SupperDog for Chinese Simplified; baturman and Ansugo for Turkish; thebacktrack for Russian; itservicelukaswinter for German; saeed508, Amirr_ezA and themehran for Persian; hgthtung for Vietnamese; f00b4r for Finnish; IMIMIM for Latvian; Rothnita and vanntha85 for Khmer; Rothnita and Gammaubl for Thai; marcin1990 for Polish; mydienst for Bosnian; dvd101x and darkflare for Spanish; ATSHOOTER for Albanian; Munyuk81 for Indonesian; loppefaaret for Danish; sharjeelaziz and nzjake for English; nzjake for English (New Zealand). We apologize if we missed anyone and welcome corrections.


- Updated blspy to 1.0.5.
- Updated chinillapos to 1.0.4.
- Included all Chinillalisp files in source distribution.
- Removed left-over debug logging from test_wallet_pool_store.
- Made changes to allow us to use the name coin_spend everywhere in our code, without changing it in the API requests, both outgoing and incoming. Enables us to decide at a later date when to cut over completely to the coin_spend name.
- Thanks mishan for your change to 'chinilla plotnft show' to display Percent Successful Points.
- Thanks Playwo for your change to make pool payout instructions case insensitive.
- GUI sees update when plots or harvesters change.
- Increased the cache interval to help large farmers.
- Removed proof limit for vanillanet, but not testnet. This helps with pools that have very low difficulties. Thanks to AlexSSD7 for pointing out the issue.
- We now also allow hex strings prefixed with 0x which is required because we currently prefix the strings in JSON conversion.
- Thanks to opayen for your help in updating our MacOS icon.


- Thanks to dfaranha for helping fix a parsing error in Relic inputs for BLS signatures.
- Fixed error type in
- Thanks to seraphik for a fix on our Linux installer that required root privileges.
- Thanks felixbrucker for helping fix invalid content-type header issues in pool API requests.
- The wallet ignores coins sent by accident to the pool contract address and allows self pooling rewards to be claimed in this case.
- Thanks mgraczyk for fixing the use of print_exc in farmer.



- Converted to use pytest and fixed test_singleton.
- Thanks to yshklarov for help fixing [7273](, which bundled CA store to support pools for some farming systems, including M1 Apple computers. This enables those machines to properly connect to pools, and fixes the issue.



- Thanks feldsam for adding support for Fedora in install-gui script


- Fix harvester cache updates. Prior to this commit the farmer called the `request_plots` every second for each harvester as long as they failed to respond properly. Since the rate limit was 10/minute this lead to hitting the rate limit if the harvester didn't responds for 10 tries in a row for whatever reason. This commit changes the behavior to always keep track of request attempts even if they end up in a timeout to really only re-try every 60s no matter what.
- Fix M1 installed torrent and installer version number
- Thanks to x-Rune for helping find and test a lot of 1.2.0 bugs with the harvester.
- Fixed issue for Debian users where the wallet crashes on start for them since last release



- Portable pooled plots are now available using our new plot NFT. These allow you to plot new plots to an NFT that can either self farm or join and leave pools. During development there were changes to the plot NFT so portable pool plots (those made with `-c` option to `chinilla plots create`) using code from before June 25th are invalid on vanillanet.
OG plots made before this release can continue to be farmed side by side with the new portable pool plots but can not join pools using the official pooling protocol. You can learn more as a farmer by checking out the [pool user guide]( Pool operators and those wanting to understand how the official pooling protocol operates should check out our [pooling implementation reference repository]( If you plan to use plot NFT, all your farmers and harvesters must be on 1.2.0 to function properly for portable pool plots.
- The exact commit after which Plot NFTs should be valid is the 89f7a4b3d6329493cd2b4bc5f346a819c99d3e7b commit (in which `pools.testnet9` branch was merged to main) or 5d62b3d1481c1e225d8354a012727ab263342c0a within the `pools.testnet9` branch.
- `chinilla farm summary` and the GUI now use a new RPC endpoint to properly show plots for local and remote harvesters. This should address issues 6563, 5881, 3875, 1461.
- `chinilla configure` now supports command line updates to peer count and target peer count.
- Thank you gldecurtins for adding logging support for remote syslog.
- Thanks to maran and Animazing for adding farmer and pool public key display to the RPC.
- We have added translations for Hungarian, Belarusian, Catalan, and Albanian. For Hungarian thanks to SirGeoff, azazio onokaxxx, rolandfarkasCOM, HUNDavid , horvathpalzsolt, stishun74, tusdavgaming, idotitusz, rasocsabi, mail.kope, gsprblnt, mbudahazi, csiberius, tomatos83, zok42, ocel0t, rwtoptomi, djxpitke, ftamas85, zotya0330, fnni, kapabeates, zamery, viktor.gonczi, pal.suta, miv, and Joeman_. For Belarusian thanks to shurix83, haxycgm, and metalomaniax. For Catalan thank you to Poliwhirl, Pep-33, marqmarti, meuca, Guiwdin, carlescampi, jairobtx, Neoares, darknsis, augustfarrerasgimeno, and fornons. Finally for Albanian thanks to ATSHOOTER and lakedeejay. We apologize if we missed anyone and welcome corrections.
- Our release process is now fully automated from tagging a release to publishing installers to all of the appropriate locations and now makes the release artifacts available via torrents as well.
- All Chinilla repositories now automatically build M1 wheels and create a new MacOS M1 native installer.
- New CLI command `chinilla plotnft` to manage pools.
- We have added a new RPC `get_harvesters` to the farmer. This returns information about remote harvesters and plots.
- We have added a new RPC `check_delete_key` to the wallet, to check keys prior to deleting them.
- We have added a new RPC `delete_unconfirmed_transactions` to the wallet which deletes these transactions for a given wallet ID.
- We have added a new RPC `get_puzzle_and_solution` to the full node, which takes in a coin ID.
- We have added a new RPC `get_recent_signage_point_or_eos` to the full node, to support pooling.
- We have added a new RPC `send_transaction_multi` to the wallet, which sends a payment with multiple payees.


- We have made a host of changes to the GUI to support pooling and to improve the wallet experience.
- We updated chinillapos to version 1.0.3. This adds parallel reads to GetFullProof. Thanks to marcoabreu ! We now print target/final directory early in the logs refs and log process ID. Thanks to grayfallstown ! We are now using Gulrak 1.5.6.
683280 optimized code in phase1.hpp. jespino and mrhacky started migrating to flags instead of booleans parameters for `show_progress` and `nobitfield`. If you are providing third-party tools you may need to make adjustments if relying on the chinillapos log.
- Updated chinillavdf to version 1.0.2 to fix certain tests.
- Windows builds now rely upon Python 3.9 which obviates the fix in 1.1.7.
- We are now using miniupnpc version 2.2.2 so that we can support Python 3.9 on Windows.
- We updated to clvm 0.9.6 and clvm_rs 0.1.8. CLVMObject now lazily converts python types to CLVM types as elements are inspected in clvm. cvlm_rs now returns python objects rather than a serialized object.
- We now have rudimentary checks to makes sure that fees are less than the amount being spent.
- The harvester API no longer relies upon time:time with thanks to x1957.
- We have increased the strictness of validating Chinillalisp in the mempool and clvm.
- Thanks to ruslanskorb for improvements to the human-readable forms in the CLI.
- Thanks to etr2460 for improvements to the plotting progress bar in the GUI and enhancements to human-readable sizes.
- dkackman changed the way that configuration was found on startup.
- We now delay peer start for wallet until after backup init and make sure only one copy is started.
- Wallets now trust the local node more for enhanced wallet sync speed.
- We now store tasks used to initiate peer connections to ensure they are kept alive and to be able to wait for them if we hit the upper limit on number of pending outgoing connections.
- We improved weight proof validation.
- cvet changed the wallet to take `override` instead of `confirm`.


- The delete plots button in the Windows GUI has been fixed and re-enabled.
- Sometimes upon startup, the GUI takes a while to load the plots to display. We've made a temporary improvement that adds a "Refresh Plots" button whenever the GUI has not yet found plots.
- Correctly display private key in `chinilla keys show`.
- Thanks to gldecurtins for removing a default printout of the private key mnemonic in `chinilla keys show`.
- Shutting down the full node is cleaner and manages uPnP better.
- DNS introducer could fail.
- Fixed a potential timelord bug that could lead to a chain stall.
- Add an explicit error message when mnemonic words are not in the dictionary; should help users self-service issues like 3425 faster. Thank you to elliotback for this PR.
- Thank you to Nikolaj-K for various typo corrections around the Mozilla CA, code simplifications and improvements in converting to human-readable size estimations, and clean up in the RPCs and logging.
- Thank you to ChinillaMineJP for various improvements.
- asdf2014 removed some useless code in the wallet node API.
- Thanks to willi123yao for a fix to under development pool wallets.
- `chinilla farm summary` better handles wallet errors.
- Hoinor fixed formatting issues around the Chinese translation in the GUI.
- Sometimes the GUI would stop refreshing certain fields.
- We have better error handling for misbehaving peers from naive forks/clones.
- We have fixed an error where the wallet could get corrupted, which previously required restarting the application.
- We have fixed an error where transactions were not being resubmitted from the wallet.

Known Issues

- If you resync your wallet, transactions made with your plot NFTs will show incorrectly in the GUI. The internal accounting, and total balance displayed is correct.



Batch process weight proof epochs in groups of 900 to fit below May 2020 sqlite limit (999 for Python 3.7 on Windows). Fixes sqlite3.OperationalError: too many SQL variables error and resulting issues with syncing wallets on Windows.

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